Things I've decided upon:
I have a hair appointment on Tuesday morning. I'm going to do something similar to
THIS, except my hair is black, so the under bits would be blond. My hairdresser will want to do like, three colours, but I really only want the one. I've also decided on platinum blond, not a honey or something warmer. I think it's a bit more striking.
Screw y'all, I'm going to
Toronto Con (apparently in October) on my own, then ♥ I'm thinking silver package, if it'll be anything like the other con offerings, since it's still too early to tell. Otherwise, I'd probably get preferred seating on the Richard days, his autograph sessions, Traci's autograph session, and maaaaybe a photo op with Richard. Depends if I grow a set or sommat.
I plan to get him to sign my
Band of Brothers collector's Editiion. And I want to make him some Gabriel buttons - is that weird? They'd say something like Not Dead, Just Carbonated or Not Dead, Just Partying With Snoop or something. STILL WORKING ON IT.
I'm going to get my tattoo done this year. Maybe around my birthday. I need to draw it up, but I want to have the quote 'speak the truth even if your voice shakes' in it, so I need to figure out what script I want.
we've all seen this, yes? ]