Thank you to everyone who is leaving me prompts for paintings ♥ If you'd like to prompt me something, you can totally do so
Saw Tangled last night. It was super cute and totally predictable, but I DON'T CARE. It was lovely. I liked the voice actors quite a bit and all the songs were fun. :3 I'd recommend seeing it.
starshipbadass and I broke up. We're fine.
It might actually be spring around here! Just a little bit of it, anyway, since it's still freezing up at night and then melting in the morning. A few days ago the whole neighbourhood was out digging paths along the sidewalk for the water to drain at the grate at the end of the street. It was kind of nice, and our family is anti social for the most part so it re-establishes that even though we don't chat over the fence, at least we're not douchebags.
Oh! I also watched Burlesque recently. The numbers and singing were fantastic, even if Christina was a bit wooden with most of her acting. The costumes were great and SURPRISE ALAN CUMMINGS. 8DDD Cher did a fabulous job acting, as per usual. It makes me wish she were in more things. T__T
I might watch Salt today, or play Dragon Age II. Or both. Who knows!
I still have my offer at
help_japan if anyone is interested! If you'd rather I start a new bid just for you, I can also do that :3 You can bid on my current offer