Done on mayfair, with felt pens, for the prompt "inside my heart while thinking of you".
And a close up.
On cartridge paper, also with felt pens. It's sort of a weird piece - I was illustrating lyrics from
'Death to Death' by Stars.
I included a line from the next verse, if only because I like it a lot. :)
Wide-eyed grinning in a darkened room / sipping cactus brandy from a china spoon
Coming in the morning, in the afternoon, forgetting / so tired waiting for the end to come
Fully dead already but forever young / hello my favourite father, it's your favourite son
There's some things that I'm regretting
I am destroyer I am lover x2 / I love one thing, destroy the other / I am destroyer I am lover
A gypsy told my fortune and I told her hers / I said "You'll die up in the mountain wrapped in silver furs"
On mayfair, using chalk pastel. I think I like oil pastels better than chalks, after doing this.
We went out to the lake near the university and drew the landscape. I hate drawing landscape, but
it's definitely easier to deal with when working with colour. This isn't finished yet - for some reason
I was taking for-fucking-ever to draw that day.