I figure that a trip to PEI should cost me about two thousand total, if I don't rent a car and don't catch a seat sale on plane tickets. I've been thinking about life in general, and how I want to go on a solo trip and do something ridiculous like 'find myself'. Maybe even find out what I really want in life. I feel like maybe I've forgotten to do my training montage, or I'm still at that part of the movie, in the beginning, where I'm getting my ass kicked all the time, and there's a lot of off balanced camera angles of me sitting alone in the glow of various limited lighting. ...Not that I'm getting my ass kicked all the time, but in terms of the hero plot line, that's where I feel like I'm at.
So anyway. Hopefully sometime next year I'll be heading off to some lovely place so very unlike here, where I can walk to the shore and talk to people who speak a little different. Maybe I'll find out a little more of myself and come back a little lighter.