spn - 6x11

Dec 11, 2010 02:05

I've been meandering along with the show this season (I'm caught up now, btw) and finished tonight's episode not too long ago..

I've really liked the Bobby ep, the faerie ep, and the Death ep. The vampire episode wasn't bad after the first ten minutes were done. I love the purgatory plot, I've come around on Balthazar (though I still wish Gabriel were back instead) and I miss Crowley, that sassy bastard. Sorry to see him go, but hey - maybe when the purgatory thing pans out, he'll be there. Likely with Gabe. And Alistair and Ruby. \o/ Who knows.

I'm not a fan of smirkymouthy!Sam. I much prefer heartlessbusiness!Sam. Also, Jared's hair is ridiculously fabulous this season, I mean really. *___* I'm glad he's stopped lying about shit, but I'm even happier that he's been given his soul back. If SPN follows the Buffy formula like it did for Dean, then Sam should be hitting his Brooding-in-agony-like-Spike point when we get back with new episodes.

FTR Dean's following of the Buffy formula was as follows :
- Dean(Buffy) gets brought back from Hell(Heaven) because people can't do shit all without him(her).
- Dean(Buffy) is hollow and confused, feeling dead inside, and generally unhappy that the order of the universe was disturbed.
- Shit goes down in a big way.
- Apocalypse is adverted (Sunnydale/Hellmouth is blown to bits)
- Dean(Buffy) gets a chance at a new life.

So Sam's plotline should be as follows:
- Sam(Spike) gets his soul back.
- Angst and craziness ensues, perhaps he does some hunting, but mostly just bemoans and apologizes a lot.
- Sam(Spike) gets his badass back on.

...Anyway. This episode was pretty predictable, but I'll take it because I was going to flip some shit if Dean had to reap Bobby, and if it was going to be some sort of Abraham 'kill your son' thing, because BOBBEHHHHHHNOOO. T___T I like the new trap door he's put in - nice to see Bobby learns from things like getting cornered in a closet. Someone on this show needs to learn. DX

Death is such a gentleman's pimp. Prooowr. And he has a food fetish, which I adore. :3

I love when Tessa gets to show up. She's one of my favourite random characters, and she's a fem character that hasn't died yet, woo! I don't think she's likely to die either, but show has a way of killing off people. :/ Balthazar was pretty sexy this ep, and I'm coming around on the liking him thing. It's easier when he's not so Gabriel about things. I'm of the opinion that Balthazar was a fledgling that Gabriel had to take care of, back in the day. But that's way off topic.

I'm very disappointed in Sam. KICK DOWN A DOOR DAMMIT. Dean too, by the way. I just want one good one! BAM.

From what I've seen, there's been some disbelief that Dean would throw the whole thing by taking off the ring for the dude in the car. On the contrary, I think that's very in character... Dean might not have done that back in season two or three, something like that, but after the apocalypse stuff and everything this season? I think Dean would do what it takes to save Sam, but I doubt he'd let things escalate ever again, you know? Him not killing that one girl caused the death of someone who wasn't in the plan to die, and then almost the death of another man, who quite possibly could have killed more? And then more, and then more... No. I think Dean understood that quite clearly, and even though the whole bet was about getting Sam's soul back, I believe that Dean knew he couldn't just shuffle that one under the carpet. Dean's a stubborn fuck, right to the end, but he's getting better at knowing when he's been beat, and Death is pretty absolute. Paying his own life for Sam's is completely different than playing other lives. It was Dean's fault that the man's wife had died, and Dean had to try and make some sort of amends for it. He even goes back to take the girl, makes sure it's done. Very, very Dean.

"You cause disruption on a global scale, but you have use. Right now you're digging at something (...) I want you to keep digging, Dean (...) It's about the souls."

1- Ouch. After seeing what letting one soul live, and then having Death tell him the disruption he causes with his continuous rebirth is global? Oh man. Gabriel at least had the decency to contain multiple deaths inside an alternate dimension where it wouldn't cause such ripples of effect. Oh Gabriel, you sassy fuck. I miss you.

2- It's about the souls, eh? Maybe they'll explain the whole deal with souls in the body, without the body, vessels needing souls, so on and so on, because I'm so fucking fuzzy on the rules, man. Also, I was under the impression that when Michael moved in, Adam moved out. I was under the impression that Bobby's soul was also with Crowley, so didn't that make Bobby souless? Or does it depend on where the soul's at? Maybe Crowley kept it in a nice fishbowl or something. Who the eff knows...

All in all, good episode. I was quite happy with it. :)

info: spoilers, for i much desire to speak with him, scotty would laugh at this sandwich, chuck saw that coming

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