(no subject)

Nov 03, 2010 01:46

So, it's November. D: Basically half the world is eyebrow deep in words and writing, and fuck good for you guys. I can't imagine pouring that many word out of me each day for a month. It's tempting to try, but uh. No. Just no. I'll just support the rest of you when you get into the third and fourth weeks ♥

They are taking votes for round two! We were given two options for prompts; lyrics to a Meatloaf song (something about love and going to hell and back for it) and then an Aristotle quote (love is one soul divided between two bodies). Voting information is HERE. It's open another week because there weren't enough people voting. The theme this week is love/schmoop. I had a hard time. ;;

I went and offered my services for pinch hitting yesterday or the day before, and they got back to me pretty quick. I have an assignment! It's full of requests for fun things to draw. *__* I'm so excited for it. I just need to pin down a composition or I'll keep doodling shit for no reason.

NTS: Finish for 25 November.

Art Beta
I've been busy, surprisingly! I'm used to putting up posts on fest/exchange beta posts and never being contacted. I left one on spn_reversebang though, and I've looked at art for about six people. *____* I really love doing it, and it doesn't take me much time to do. At first I thought I was doing lousy, since I didn't get a few replies from some artists after I sent them my thoughts, but now I see that it's hit and miss in that regard. It was nerve wracking not to get an email back, but now I don't expect one, and it's a nice surprise to hear back from them.

I think this is a successful test - I'll probably pull out of fest/exchanges completely, with a few exceptions of course, to offer beta services and pick up pinch hits. It's less stressful on me and everyone else involved, I imagine.


I received a lovely little drabble from severed_lies, HERE

This is the one I wrote:

Title: All Soul's Day
Original Post: HERE
Characters: Rabastan Black, Regulus Black
Rating/warnings: G
Word count: ~200
Summary: Somehow, it was much more pleasant than chatting with portraiture.
A/N: Written for verus_janus, who had written me the most fantastic death eater Halloween party drabble the year before. I was pretty excited to write for her in return. :3

The two cousins shivered in the cool night air, Rabastan's fingers tight on Regulus's sleeve so they wouldn't lose each other in the fog. The path was wet, but it muffled their steps and the pair of them moved deeper into the night, two young, small shapes across school grounds.

At the edge of the trees, sheltered by its branches, they lit short sticks of incense. With small cakes and a bottle of (now only warm) tea, both boys settled in and waited for the minutes to creep past midnight.

"Now," Regulus said and tipped his pocket watch so Rabastan could see. They made a small fire in the dirt, one tiny flame shivering in a circle of rocks. A prick of their fingers, two drops of blood - it was enough to announce their presence on this particular night.

Slowly, as if detaching from the fog itself, figures started appearing. Ghostly men and women peered down at the boys, who smiled up at them in shy greeting, slightly unsure. Then, as if they were at a proper table, and not on the ground in the woods, their ancestors sat with them as they drank down their tea.

( beta? ), rl: of late, harry potter fanfic, x blather, f - fest/exchange

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