Just a bunch of things I've left pile up, that's all - some school stuff among it.
XD I made this forever ago... I think I got it from otakupink's scans. It was this thing about Sanada (hat) having a crush on Yuushi (glasses) but Sanada wouldn't admit it, so Yuushi decided to prove it by showing a little skin. Sanada was all WTFBBQNOWAYOMGACKHOT. Yuushi was all 'Point for me."
...or maybe it was that Sanada was complaining about the length of Yuushi's shirt, and Yuushi was all 'whatever do you mean?' And thus they discovered Sanada goes a little crazy over his tummy showing. ...I DON'T REMEMBER. IT WAS SO LONG AGO.
Comments 4
BTW, that picture makes me LOL and wonder what else is going on in it. XD
XD I made this forever ago... I think I got it from otakupink's scans. It was this thing about Sanada (hat) having a crush on Yuushi (glasses) but Sanada wouldn't admit it, so Yuushi decided to prove it by showing a little skin. Sanada was all WTFBBQNOWAYOMGACKHOT. Yuushi was all 'Point for me."
BTW, I'm totally digging your Caesar icon.
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