brighty18 wrote me a gorgeous piece of Sirius/Remus at Grimmauld Place, with all my favourite things - portraits and Walburga's old rooms, silk wallpaper, indoor gardens, Sirius gardening. Ahhh, so brilliant and so well written and GOD I LOVE HER ♥
title: Secret Garden
brighty18rating/warnings: PG13, swearing, descriptive writing
author's summary: Sirius cultivates many things.
HERE ` ` ` ` ` `
Second, I wrote for the
st_santa exchange, and received a fantastic piece of McCoy epicness from
near_family, ALSO with all my favourite things - MCCOY, badass secondary characters, EPIC KIRK|SULU BROMANCE/ADRENELINE BUDDIES, Chekov being awesome, shenanigans, Chekov mangling sayings, SCOTTY SCOTTY SCOTTY, Gaila being awesome, MCCOY SAYING 'DARLIN' (*points to icon!*), ~SEX POLLEN~, BADASS SPOCK, OH GOD I COULD KEEP GOING. ♥
title: Bones is not Amused
near_familyrating/warnings: PG13