ecpavela for noone_hasgone

Feb 09, 2009 07:27

ecpavela for noone_hasgone
Pavel Chekov, vodyanoi

Part 1: The Basics

What is your full name? Pavel Andreievich Chekov
Where and when were you born? Russia, though I do not know when. Time seemed to pass differently then. It was some time ago - before the stars could be seen up close.
Who are/were your parents? I know they were called Andrei and Marta, but I have not seen them for many years. I have forgotten their faces.
Do you have any siblings? Many, not in the same sense you are asking. Over time we separated, scattering across Russia. We were not believed to be real in some places. Some of us went to correct this.
Where do you live now, and with whom? I live on board the USS Enterprise! There are many people here, but I do not share my quarters, which is nice! I should be sharing, I think, but there are certain complications and would be difficult to manage. I have small room on junior officer's deck, like a broom closet, some say, but this does not worry me, as I do not always sleep there. Perhaps I will tell you more of that one day, but I do not know if I should tell you now. :)
What is your occupation? I am First Navigator aboard the Enterprise! To put simply, I make sure we do not get lost! There are other navigators, yes, but if there is a problem or if we are in a situation, I am the one called to navigate! They think I am young, perhaps I am, but not as they understand - I have been navigating by the stars for long time.
Write a full physical description of yourself. Can you not look and see? This is very uncomfortable. I will show you what my medical file says:
[Hair color: dark brown/blonde || Eye color: blue || Height: 5'9" || Weight: 125lbs/56.7kg (slightly underweight - note: attempt to bring up) || Healthy, as to be expected for his age, energetic but enthusiastic, above human strength. Seems perpetually flushed, though this is a side effect of prolonged periods of time not submersed in water - after swimming or bathing, skin takes on a slight green tinge due to physiology, not reactions to water - this is the norm.]
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? I need reguluar contact with a water source. I will not whither and die, so to say, but it will effect how I feel - I went on training mission for two weeks, in small shuttle with other cadets and only bottled water. Was very difficult. It felt like I was dreaming a very bad dream and could not wake up. I think I slept in the bay for two days straight when I returned!
Are you right- or left-handed? Is easier with right hand, to do precise things.
What does your voice sound like? This is silly question. Do you mean to ask about my accent or about my diction? I sound like man trying not to give up the sound of Russia as he speaks Standard.
What do you have in your pockets? Things that need to be kept!
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? I do not know what you mean. I am very easy person to get along with. I have not tried to drown someone for angering me for a very long time. :)

Part 2: Growing Up

How would you describe your childhood in general? Is difficult to recall - it was so long ago! I only have vague memories of living with my mama and papa. Everything is clearer after I woke up in the lake. The vodyanoy teach that when you become one, is better to leave your old life behind. Some tried to return to their families, only to be cast out, or killed! I could not find mine, and it was easy to just forget.
What is your earliest memory? I drowned in a lake, so I woke up at the bottom, resting in the soil among the fish. Everything around me seemed borderless and vast, much like space, now that I think of it, with glittering lights above me, where the surface of the water shimmered in the sun.
How much schooling have you had? I have completed my Academy requirements!
Did you enjoy school? It was strange and new! Such different people, and such a different place to be - there were so many beaches, but they're so empty, so I had them to myself. This was good and bad. Good because I did not have to challenge for territory, bad, for I felt lonely sometimes. But school was interesting! I was always told I was too curious, and at the Academy, I was told to follow the curiosity!
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities? The vodyanoy taught me most of what I know. When we moved from the waters to the fields, I would go into the cities and read at their libraries, once I could read, of course.
When and with whom was your first kiss? Ah, this you will perhaps not like. I had played the violin for a young man, close to my age, and he was so sweet to me, I let him come to listen each night for a week. On the seventh night, I played for him until he was so distant from himself that he let me take him to the water. I held him tight and he kissed me, and I pulled him down into the lake. I do not know his name, but I made sure to put his soul in a very beautiful jar. When I feel lonely, I take it out to look at.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? I am not - you would think I am, just because of how I look, yes? Such strange ideas people have! I am not seventeen, though it may seem so to humans, and I may agree when asked, because it is easier than to say 'oh, I have been here since before someone landed on the moon'. But to answer your question - I am certain it happened when I was human, before I drowned in the water. It was too familiar when I first laid with a rusalka (the female of my kind).
If you are a supernatural being, tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. This...have you not been listening? This question should be placed higher on your list! I do not know why I drowned - that memory is gone - only that I did, and now I am Vodyanoy, and I will look as I did when I made the change.

Part 3: Past Influences

What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? Drowning. Everything will come back to this.
Who has had the most influence on you? There has not been one single person. The Vodyanoy taught as a whole, as did Starfleet. Perhaps this will change during my five years in space. I do not know.
What do you consider your greatest achievement? The first time I truly did not desire to take someone when I played the violin for them. To feel...satisfied that they had been happily entranced for a time, it was a simple accomplishment, but one that is still the sweetest.
What is your greatest regret? I do not regret anything of my past - none of the killings, or souls I keep in their jars. These are simply what I am. I regret that because I try to save people, I will feel badly when I fail to help them. I do not know how I will look at Commander Spock and ever speak of sacrifice and lost things.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done? This is a difficult question. From a human perspective, I assume I would be expected to say something about all the people I've killed. Again, I say, this is what I am. I have killed in anger, destroyed dams, and lured people to their death. Does this make me evil, if I feel no guilt for it? It was my nature. I have over come such things, but should I need to do it again, I would.
Do you have a criminal record of any kind? Until I left for San Francisco, I did not even have I.D. :)
When was the time you were the most frightened? The training mission on the shuttle was particularly scary. When we were fighting the Narada was scary as well - all these lives where placed into my hands (and the hands of my fellow bridge crew) and I did nothing to entice them to such a decision. I was afraid!
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? I once went swimming with cadet after hours, and almost held her too long below the water. I had almost killed her without even intending on doing so - most embaressing!
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? As I said, I regret nothing.
What is your best memory? The first time I played successfully for humans, it was a wonderful thing. I drew many.
What is your worst memory? I once saw one of the older vodyanoy drag a man to his death - no music, no soft enticement. It was not a peaceful passing.

Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions

Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic! Does that surprise you?
What is your greatest fear? Being trapped on a desert - the insanity that would claim me makes me shudder to think about.
What are your religious views? As in, do I believe in a god? No. I believe in nature, and spirits, and ghosts. The folkstories your baba tells you - those are real. I have yet to meet any sign of a god.
What are your political views? I do not trouble myself with such things. I will fly the starship, and go where the Captain leads us. Should he decide he wishes to steal the ship and sail endlessly across the stars, this would not be disagreeable to me either.
What are your views on sex? It is enjoyable. What else should it be?
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? I am not as free with killing as I once was, and I now seek to save people instead. As I said before, if I have to, I will kill again. Perhaps not on whim, as it seems to upset the Federation.
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? A human could do? Turn on his/her breathern. Disloyalty and betrayal - these are truly evil things.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? These are fickle notions. Love comes and goes, as does desire. Should someone believe in it, that is for them to have. I do not know if it is in my nature any longer.
What do you believe makes a successful life? Happiness, contentment and purpose.
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? I attempt to be genuine, but it is difficult with the rules that Starfleet has - it was difficult to follow at first, to know when to ask permission to speak freely, to know when to keep your thoughts inside. I think sometimes, I say too much, or I am too eager, but this is something I will work to change.
Do you have any biases or prejudices? Certainly. But I am Russian, so I think it is easily forgiven.
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? A messy death is not something I would do, or torture. If you have to kill, should it not be beautiful?
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? I am loyal to the Enterprise, and as such, would die for the crew. But, I would also choose to live on for her, as well. This is more difficult than death, you know.

Part 5: Relationships With Others

In general, how do you treat others? Neutrally until I know how they wish to be handled. Or, how I am expected to handle them.
Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how? This is a difficult question, as it varies with each person. People should not be treated as if they are all the same, yes?
Who is the most important person in your life, and why? Myself, truly, as it is with most people, but I think you are wondering who I care for the most. I do not have anyone like that - I have left them all behind in Russia, and most that I knew as a Cadet died in the effort to save Vulcan. I am still coming to know those on the Enterprise.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why? not know. The doctor, perhaps? He sees many strange people and things, and has been most kind. his own way.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? I can see this section will be brief. I do not have anyone in particular, except for work relationships with other navigators and bridge staff.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? I do not.
Have you ever been in love? Whenever I used to fall in love, I would play them sweet music and drown them in the water so I keep their soul forever. Now, I do not know quite what to do when I feel similar feelings.
What do you look for in a potential lover? Someone elegant, and curious, interesting and willing not to complicate things.
Have you started your own family? If you mean, children, no.
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? The Captain, or Doctor McCoy. It would depend on what help I needed.
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why? I trust the crew of the ship to protect me - is a trade, because I offer it in return.
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? At one time, I would simply kill someone for angering me. Now I argue - it is tedious. Some days I wish I could still just kill someone, again. ...Well, I could, but I promised Starfleet I would not.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? When necessary, yes.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Yes! It is interesting to see how different groups have different ways of handling things! Starfleet is so efficient, it's really wonderful to see everyone knowing their jobs and what their place in the group is.
Do you care what others think of you? No.

Part 6: Likes And Dislikes

What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes? Playing violin, mapping out star charts, chess, swimming, running, admiring my soul jars.
What is your most treasured possession? My violin - I made it myself! Well, I helped. It was mostly the other Vodyanoi, though. It is very beautiful and I have had it for a very long time.
What is your favorite color? Hm, peach. Or a muddy-green.
What is your favorite food? Fish! I like it in rolls the best I think. Or perhaps smoked - da, smoked is the best way!
What, if anything, do you like to read? Reference books and star charts! I used to read old folklore, but it is too funny, sometimes and I don't know if I should be amused or angry.
What is your idea of good entertainment? Ah, good music and dancing! And swimming races - those are fun, as well!
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? You have not been to Russia, I see! This is a shame - the peasants used to offer the vodyanoi tobacco so we would not take their children. They brought us lovely snuff, in charming ceramic jars. I still smoke, but now it is cigarettes, and it is tricky to find a place to smoke on the Enterprise! Once I did when I was swimming in that tank, and someone thought it had caught on fire - which is silly, as when does water catch on fire? It was a close call, but I was not discovered! As for drinking, if you have not drank vodka, you have not drank at all.
How do you spend a typical Saturday night? Is there special signifigance to Saturday nights? I do not think there is.
What makes you laugh? Things that make me happy.
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself? I would swim.
How do you deal with stress? This, again, I would swim. It is a remedy to almost all things.
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? I prefer to be spontaneous, but that does not work well with Starfleet, so I suspect I will always need to have a plan.
What are your pet peeves? Disrespect for tradition and folklore, people who scorn the old ways, people who do not think that bodies of water hold danger to them, overfishing, carelessness with water sanitation, chemicals in water sourses, people who open with Rook to Queen's pawn three, bathing suits, disloyalty and betrayal, poor craftsmanship.

Part 7: Self Images And Etc.

Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted? If I am not sleeping in water, I go for a swim. Then I eat, and likely go on shift. Then I have dinner after the shift, relax in some way, go for a swim and then go back to sleep. If this routine is disrupted, that is fine! So long as I have been swimming in there somewhere, of course. And eaten. I don't like being hungry, but that's not quite as important.
What is your greatest strength as a person? Hm, curiousity is held as important, is it? Perhaps it is my talent with complex equations.
What is your greatest weakness? Ah, but that will be a secret! You think I will tell you everything about me?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would much like to have a long beard one day - a vodyanoi I knew once braided his with ferns and bright stones. I think it would be nice to have!
Are you generally introverted or extroverted? Extroverted, I think.
Are you generally organized or messy? Organized, I dislike messy.
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. I am good at swimming, playing the violin and mapping the stars. I am poor at singing, leaving things alone, and backing down from a fight.
Do you like yourself? Oh yes. Or else I would have killed myself long ago. I cannot imagine living as someone I hate.
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime? I want to colonize a planet. :D Is that too ambitious? I would settle for founding a village, also, but I'd rather not 'settle'.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Just getting back from a lovely trip, along the milky way~ :D Do you know that song? I like it, or at least the beginning.
If you could choose, how would you want to die? Sad. I would not like to die happy, because then what would be the point of dying?
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. Swim, dance and have sex. :D
What three words best describe your personality? "Energetic, curious and thorough." - This is what I usually read on my reviews.

x brainspace, x musebox, lungworm?, i can do that!

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