bones and dean are hot MF - FACT

Oct 24, 2009 03:46

I was going to open this entry with "so, it's pretty common knowledge that I think McCoy is a hot sonovabitch," but then it occurred to me, there's no 'I think' about it. It's fact. So, let me start properly. Ahem.

So, it's pretty common knowledge that Dr. L. McCoy is a hot sonovabitch. That being said, whenever I read a fic about him being a southern gentleman badass, I tend to get all a flutter. Seriously. On that note, please to be enjoying some reccs! :D

Title: Bad Medicine is What I Need
Author: amathela @ DW
Pairing: McCoy/Uhura
Rating/Warnings: PG13
Summary: "Uhura is absolutely brilliant ... at xenolinguistics. Her mandatory medical coursework, on the other hand, could use some help. Thankfully, McCoy has gallantly volunteered to tutor her."
Link: HERE
[my notes]: I just... My GOD. Everything about him in this - perfect. I don't even... PERFECT. Casual and sexy, and fucking clever without it being obvious.

Title: The Moment Between In and Exhale (The Melt Remix)
Author: skellerbvvt
Pairing: McCoy/Chekov
Rating/Warnings: NC17, not worksafe
Summary: From the prompt - "There's been alot of rough sex prompts on here (Pon Farr, asphyxiation kink,); I'm looking for the opposite. Slow, gentle, coming completely undone."
Link: HERE
[my notes]: This is pure smut, but it's exactly what the prompt asked for, and it's really gorgeous.

Title: IAWTC (I agree with that comment)
Author: cards_slash
Pairing: McCoy/Spock
Rating/Warnings: NC17, but only for one part - mostly PG
Summary: From the prompt - "Academy era hookup, Spock/Bones"
Link: HERE
[my notes]: Written from Spock's point of view, but I love how his voice was written, and I love how we're shown McCoy from his point of view. It's actually a companion piece to the fic that the author wrote from Bones' point of view, but I hadn't read that first, and I ultimately like Spock's pov better. I enjoy the mystery of 'what is the doctor thinking? who is this man?'

Title: Reunions
Author: yeomanrand and shinychimera
Pairing: McCoy/Pike
Rating/Warnings: NC17, not worksafe
Summary: Leonard McCoy meets Christopher Pike at the annual McCoy family reunion.
Link: HERE
[my notes]: Hee~ This is with a young!McCoy - I think he's in his late teens sometime, and Pike's someone one of Bones's cousins brings to the reunion. There's stuff like 'peach trees' and 'Uncle Leonard' and Bones watching over the younger cousins, and Pike being a sexy fucker, and 'down past the creek'....mmm~ ♥


I'm rewatching S1 Supernatural. You know what I miss? DEAN KICKING DOWN DOORS. YEAH. He used to do it all the time! And I have to say, watching Jensen climb up and flip over a chain link fence? Christ. That's like watching Jared slam people onto pool tables. ♥ It's crazy looking back at the first season and seeing how good-soldier Dean used to be. But fuck, wasn't he glorious? Saving Sammy's ass all the time, being such a mouthy fucker... Well, he's still a mouthy fucker, something I find difficult to translate into fic, but Sammy wasn't as hunterly as he is now, so he used to run in all badass and save that kid. Maaaaan. Also - they just used to shoot ghosts all the time! I thought they used the iron thing more, but apparently not...

I feel like I need a gif of Dean kicking doors down. I want to use it every time I introduce myself to someone online.

+Aaaand, doubling back to Star Trek - is there a Scotty community that I don't know about? I've only seen scotty_chekov and scotty_uhura

dammit jim, x winchesters, recc: fic

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