More SPN watching

Sep 10, 2009 21:46

Bah, I knew it. I missed three episodes of season four. I don't know how, but I did - all but the black and white episode on the second disc. Which is too bad, because, really, that was a fantastic disc.

-the one where fear is killing people-
- Dean is too's making me giggle, seriously. "I'll man the flashlight." Oh man. It's so funny with Sammy being the manly one. And Dean's freak out speech was the best damn thing I've heard in a long time. I love episodes like this that are cracky and insane, and sorta serious. Faves faves faves. I also love a chance to see Bobby in an episode. This is like a tellatale heart episode. It's pretty freaky.

The whole gripping/cuddling the Bible was just... I don't know. I need an icon of it or something. I was kind of hoping that would be enough to save him, but I suppose not. Must just be the Dean/Cas shipper in me. ;p

I should mention, Jensen looks particularly attractive in that grey long sleeve. That's probably my favourite shirt on him. WHAT'S WITH THE CREDITS FOR THAT EPISODE? XD AHAH.

"It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester"
Halloween episodes! :D Yaaay. ...actually, oh god. Razors in the candy? That's seriously terrifying. Points to mouth camera, though. Wow. I like seeing what shows like SPN and Buffy do for Halloween.
Heyyy, what was Cas doing at Sam's computer when they came in? And, whoa, smiting of a town? Well, I suppose that's the angel of the Biblical sort, isn't it? Hmm.
This is possibly one of my favourite episodes this season.
Don't like Uriel. Don't don't don't. Do like Castiel. Have said this before, though. :3
...Cas laughed a little at a joke Dean made ♥

I love that Cas looks at humans and sees works of art. That's wonderful, and beautiful, and sort of what I would love to expect from an angel. This has to be my favorite Dean/Cas scene of the season. Well, except for the one where he basically tells Dean he's not taking orders from men, but from god.

"I'm not a hammer, as you say. I have questions, I...I have doubts. I don't know what is right and what is wrong anymore...whether you passed or failed. But in the coming months you will have decisons to make. I don't envy the weight that is on your shoulders Dean. I truly don't."

I need a SPN icon...

x winchesters, ( fuck yes )

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