Title: Forever Hold Your Peace
Team: Epilogue
rosivanPrompt: #05 -- "Fate Worse than a Dementor's Kiss"
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: The hardest thing to do is to let love pass by.
A/N: I was pretty pleased with this entry, and it seemed to have been received well during the games. But there were some big issues with the piece that I should have caught but didn't until the last minute.
size; looking back on it now, I would prefer it larger. I didn't realize how small it was when I was colouring...woops!
astoria; I forgot to fix her veil and didn't see it until I got to colouring the image. Mistake on my part. :/ She wasn't finished in the drawing stage.
Harry; what I did was draw the third image before the first, so I ended up having to draw their legs in after...Harry's legs are too short in the first two images. X___X
robes; I would have preferred more detail in the congregation's robes and faces, but didn't draw it in at the time.
font; *sigh* Should have used a text, or at least made my writing not-slanted. -_-;