May 14, 2009 01:00
PAIRING/CHARACTERSLINK Lucius/Sirius, Remus/SiriusThe Six Rule GameHarry/DracoQuidditch Leather (and Laces)Bellatrix/Lucius, Andromeda/LuciusGames with Your BetrothedRegulus/Remus, Sirius/RemusYour brother's best friendMinerva, SiriusThe Seduction of McGAlbus/GellertBetween Parchment and SnowScorpius/LouisFrench Games of BeaubaxtonsGeorgeMind a mind game?Harry/Draco, Draco/AstoriaWar Games You've ForgottenD'sA, OotP, DEsTrenches x x x x x
I like writing about games, and making up games for the characters to play, so I decided to make a prompt table for it.
I only have ten to write, from the top of my head. Any suggestions are welcome!
As always with me, WIP...
harry potter fanfic,
f - prompt list