Trailer talk, and various

Apr 21, 2009 01:19

OHMIGOD. I just saw a trailer for the new XMen movie. X3 !!! So much Gambit. I hope it's not a sham. I think I saw Husk, too? Unless the diamond skin thing is Emma Frost....I don't know, as it could be either, but I don't think they're doing the second mutation thing, since it's called Origins. Hm.

...anyway. I need to keep a sharp eye on the commercials, now. I expect there will be trailers for HBP starting up soon, and I've done pretty good avoiding absolutely everything about it, so far. Thank you everyone for keeping things under cuts - VERY appreciated. ♥ I recieved a comment the other day with an animated scene from the film and I very nearly freaked out on them. >___> But they didn't know, so I didn't...

So yes - I avoid all contact with anything related to the new movies where Harry Potter is concerned. It's likely the main reason I don't lurk on the LC anymore. Anyway - I don't expect you all to adhere to my quirk, but just so you know that I have it. ^___^



Got a nod from thanfiction for my The Gospel according to Dumbledore drabble, and it's got a wee bit of a following. XDDD I gots a shiny new banner for participating~

Note to self: upload in banner post!


Late night MUCH videos are so odd, but the music is so good. Alex, remember to look up 'Bat for Lashes' and more Metric tomorrow.

Saw the trailer again - it was Emma Frost. :( Like, a teeny bopper Emma. Is it wrong that I wanted a full, womanly Emma instead? And I saw Cyclops...what the hell is going on in this movie? Cyclops died.... I think I need to read the synopsis or something. :s

x blather

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