Pffft, so i'm basically just sitting in the Pittsburgh airport right now, chilling and waiting for my delayed flight to get here and take me back home...But god-damn it's been a crazy time! Fire and Noid, you guys were fucking awesome to have as room-mates, Xavier too, though I didn't quite get to see him that much, unfortunately. But anyways, it was totally my first furry convention ever, which justifies a con report, I believe.
Flights went fine, thank god(unlike today). Got all my stuff, with only a small problem getting one of my bags(I was sweating bullets, due to the bag not only carrying all of my padding(Which I overpacked hardcore), but also almost a whole carton of smokes for the stay in Pitts =/), then made my way to the Westin Convention Center via shuttle. Smoked a cigarette then got picked up by firefox who had someone with him that I didn't know at all. Enter Noid/Fuzzycoon, whom turned out to be one of the coolest people I've hung out with. It seemed like I hit it off with both right off the bat. Easy conversation, not TOO many awkward silences...Which is strange, y'know? I'm normally not so forward with people I've just met for the first time in person. Guess that just goes to show how awesome they are ^^ Anyways, we got back to Fire's place and chilled there, ate some freaking awesome quesadillas, and, OH yeah! Xavierfox showed up too! He's pretty damn awesome, got a huge amount of games(collects them apparently), which gave us something to talk about, heh. Anyways, after food and everything, and after Fire's (Ugh) room-mate, Darin, got back, Xavier said we had to go back to his house to pick some stuff up that he'd forgotten. OH NOES ROAD-TRIP TIME! We go there, grab his stuff, meet his parents, then back to Fire's place and sleepness happens. Thank-god sleep happened.
Ugh, Thursday. Fire drops me and Fuzzy off at the Westin to just chill while he and Xavier go and get people from the airport. We hung out in the lobby for awhile, watching random suiters fight and stuff. got a little bored, so we went out and walked, him taking pictures of stuff at random intervals(He's a pretty damn good and knowledgeable photographer...Not something I expected when I first met him). So we get to the giant fucking glass castle that is the PPG headquarters, and it's -beautiful-! Noid's starts taking pictures of it...At least until this old lady security guard decides to come over and tell us that it's illegal to take pictures of the building above eye level, and that he could be sued for it. That kinda dampens the photo mood, so we head back and chill at the Westin awhile longer until Fire finally shows up with all of our stuff. We get unpacked and everything, organize our room the way we want it and all that. Then we went down to outside the lobby and met a bunch of the furs in our group to go get some food(Total fucking shoutout to Lore and Tokala whom I met there! You guys were two of the most chill furs I've known). So we ate, and I had to go register. Fire and Noid'd preregistered for the con, so they got all their stuff, and I just waited until like 9 PM to go through open registration...Instead of waiting in the huge fucking line that was there four hours previous. I hit up the dance for awhile(With my red glowsticks...I shouldn't have wasted them.) with Noid, stay there for only a little while before leaving(Left my glowsticks behind too...The music was...Beh, not too good, and I have no use for sticks that were used a shitty party). The rest of the night's a bit of a blur. Stuff happened and then I went to sleep.
Wake up at like, noon for whatever reason. Wasn't even that tired really, but eh, whatever. Me and Fire went on down to the Dealer's Den and Artist's Alley and split off from there. I have no idea where Noid and Xavier were at the time(In fact, except for that first night, I barely saw Xavier at all). So I looked around at everything for a couple hours. Saw some really bitching artists there, including in no specific order: Michelle Light, Taurin Fox, White Wolf(OMG WhiteWolf was so fucking cool! I was going way too close to fanboying so I barely said anything to her *blushes*), Kristin Carella, Brendan Roo, Flying-Fox, and soooooo many others too that were incredible(one in specific had an awesome urbanish sorta style, but I couldn't find him again after that day.) and that deserve mention. But anyways, I commissioned two badges, one from Kristin Carella( and another from Brendan Roo(No idea if he has a website...But you should know where to find him ^^). And after giving them the descriptions I went up to the game room. There was didder, there was melee, there was guitar heroes...But it wasn't fun. I'd been intending to enter the DDR tourney and maybe the SSBM one but...Well, someone at the feedback panel said it best, "If you're playing video games at a con, you've got too much spare time." After this I kinda agree. Plus the environment was pretty meh. A lot of the people had the holier than thou attitude going down and were more than a little bit annoying. there were a couple of cool furs up there(Taren, Tigerofthewind...Uh...Yeah.) but it was pretty lame. Anyways, met up with Tokala, and made a venture to the Kwik-E-Mart across the street to grab rolling paper, which we proceeded to use with our nice friend Sasha to roll up some happy goodness ^^ stoned, then went and hung out with Tokala to eat food and everything. Then went on to 2's rant which was fucking awesome! I love 2's style...his dress is very snazzy, and his glasses completely accentuate his lack of hair. And his rant was pretty damn tight too ^^ Anyways, hit up the dance with Noid, this time with my blue sticks, and proceeded to have a fucking blast. Every single DJ was awesome, with tight music to throw down...But it was Tek's set that basically made me joygasm...Seriously, I love the shit that he plays, and his style of Djing is hella awesome. I don't think I've ever seriously danced that hard at any rave I've ever been to. Anyways, that finished up and I decided to go pass out, while Noid and Fire went to hang with Dire(I think. It's a little fuzzy).
Oh yeah, and I saw Twitch there suiting Friday, that fuzzy bastard!
Saturday was mostly just a hang out day really. went to chinese food for breakfast(lunch) at 1 PM about, and got sat between the largest fucking drama whores ever. No names, lest they be drawn like leeches to my journal. Talked there with brendan for a little while before heading back. Hit the dealer's den a bit more, then I don't really remember what happened. I know I hung out in the cubhouse for awhile, and chilled with some other people but meh. Anyways, night comes around, I call Tokala, get a room number, and me and Noid are off to a party, dragging Lore along with us ^^ So we get there, and the first thing I'm handed is moonshine...Oh wow. horrible taste, but fucking strong and nice! Grabbed some other drinks, as did Noid. We partied around for a little while before leaving in search of something else...But eh, never found it. But we did end up just talking for a fairly long time, which was awesome. That damn coon's a really cool guy. But yeah, so we ended up just chilling outside the Westin and in the awesome little fountain thing they have that runs down to the river. Noid even got like, 75 cents and a foreign coin, just by finding them^^ But anyways, we eventually head back and crash, talking for a bit then just getting to sleep.
Nothing until later happened Sunday. Hung out at the cubhouse, got food, hung out in the Dealer's Den, the usual. Oh! I did end up stopping by WhiteWolf's place again and buying my friend Danny a commission and grab one of her awesome fucking necklaces. Eventually a bunch of us from the cubhouse chilled out at Fridays, got some awesome food...Although I unfortunately got sat across from a very annoying fur that wouldn't shut up...Let's just say he exploded a lot(oh noes, inside joke). Got back, hung out in the room for a little bit, before going down to the cubhouse and watching Over the Hedge with everyone(Yay, awesome movie ^^). Eventually shuffled out after the movie and ended up at HallCon 06, with Noid, Fire, Dire, myself, and *gasp* Tek-Fox! You have no idea how hard it was for me to restrain myself from goin fanboy. Seriously. Even so I managed to stay as normal as a Cale can be at any given time and we all just talked for like, a half-hour, showing off badges, discussing the con, etc. Then we get invited into a room right next to us that has a hooka set up in it and I meet a ton of fucking awesome furs in there. Hardcore special mentions to Lace, Tora, Dire, and Tek(And of course Fire and Noid =p). Just spent the whole night up tell like four, talking and smoking. Necco even came in at one point, and I introduced myself a bit more formally than I had before on a fucking elevator, heh. I still doubt he'll remember me though. Well, at about four o'clock, everyone started heading out, so I got every one of them to sign the inside cover of Tek's CD(Which I bought out in the hall actually). That is some fucking memorabilia right there of the best night I had at AC(Although I may've sounded more enthused by Friday, Sunday was the best by far)^^ we went back on up to our room, packed everything up and went to sleep.
Fucking eh. Today(Monday) has been the most rediculous day ever. First of all we wake up, get the stuff to the car once Fire drives it in, and head on off to the airport(I got a hug to Tokala before I left though ^^). As soon as I said goodbye to Fire and that damned coon, I just got a sad feeling...I dunno, depression or something. I already miss all my random talks with Noid, and just seeing Fire pop up in random places. Eh...But anyways, I get inside, go to the airline desk I'm SUPPOSED to be at, and I'm given some gibberish by some Chinese bitch that just wanted to get back to her phone conversation. She tells me to call who I booked my flight with. So I do that. they're all like, "No, you need to go to this other airline desk, because they're the originals". So I do. They're like, "no." and bring it back to the chinese fucking marathon cellphone slut. she gets angry, tells me I have no ticket, etc, etc. finally, after talking to about every damn agent on that floor, I get the one lady that wants to actually try and help her customers instead of talking to her friend about the opium she's going to do later. Aparrently on my flight into Pittsburgh, that airline didn't forward my ticket information the reservation for a seat still showed up, but it showed that I hadn't payed for the ticket that I HAD IN MY FUCKING HANDS! But oh well. I got my boarding passes and went on to find out my flight had been delayed by like, two hours. FUCKING AWESOME! Now I get to miss my damn flight over in Minneapolis. Oh well, thinks I, I'll live...
But y'see. I would've made it, if minneapolis airport wasn't SO FUCKING STUPID! Seriously, I land. 12 minutes tell my flight departs, I'm running the whole fucking way on down to this place. Oh wow, was the architect on acid when he built the place. I want to personally shoot the guy in the head that decided it would be quicker for people to walk like, two miles in a straight line to get from one concourse to another, rather than y'know, actually making it simple, and arranging each concourse around a central axis. Not only that, but in addition to those two miles, there's basically another mile where the airport decided to put their own perverted little version of The Mall of FUCKING AMERICA along the same line! So I'm running the whole way there...And I arrived a minute late. One GOD-DAMN minute >.< So I shrug, get my new ticket, which is for a departure at 9:30 or something. then I tried connecting to the internet...Wow, 6.95 to use wireless internet.....Now wait. I've seen one other airport that charges...Only one, out of the thirty or so I've been in. And that one was about 5 times smaller than the Minneapolis airport. So WTF? Your airport is the one that initially delayed my flight by fucking up with the aircraft equipment, your fucked up airport design screwed me over on catching my flight, and now you want me to fucking pay you for internet?! Fuck that! If I ever layover in Minneapolis again, I'm changing my flight.
Anyways yeah, there's the con and the day after so far(I may edit this later...I'm basically typing it in notepad and saving it to post later). It's later now, and I'm feeling really out of place...Even though I'm sitting at home...I feel weird knowing that Noid isn't around to talk to anymore, or there's no more Fire to hunt for...I feel like I should be hunting out a room party with Tokala right now...Ugh, oh well. I'll see 'em all next year ^^
Alright guys, there's the report, and now for the shoutouts to everyone! I'll be tossing one back for Firefox, Noid, Xavier, Tokala, Sasha, Orca, Javi, Brendan, Dire, Tek, Necco, Lace, Tora, Foxcub, Pup, everyone that was at that party at the fucking omni, Caliara(Goggles), Todd, Cutie(Yo-yo guy), Lore, Foxplay, anyone I forgot from the hooka party, Whitewolf, Swift and Syl, and all the other people I shook hands with and actually, y'know, liked.
AC was fun, and FC I'm expecting to be better ^^ See everyone there!