Depth of Focus by westernredcedar (Snape/Lupin, R; Alternate Universe - two people trying to find their way to each other)
Diptych by spydre (Lupin/Snape, NC-17; aftermath of a change)
In Plain Sight by Stasia (Snape/Lupin, PG-13 to R; Severus and Remus try to co-habitate, but things aren't always easy)
Tempest Tossed by McKay (Lupin/Snape, R; the pair get stranded on an island... oh, and there's an iguana named Bingley)
In Clothes a Wantonness by McKay (Snape/Lupin, R; Crossdressing - Severus is the only one able to clear his name)
The Master and the Wolf by ntamara (Lupin/Snape, R; Bestiality, Alternate Universe)