Jul 26, 2009 23:51
I don't want to livejournal b/c the only one who could possibly read this well wait if its public there might be a few people still checking in. So yeah Cramer reminds me of well ME but I'd much rather be a Peter Lynch, and Warren just seems untouchable. Beyer though Beyer I have yet to get into. Tom just gambled Vegas away down down but I hope it still having a blast I want a drink. I want to feel buzzed I'd rather be biking or hell hiking perhaps I should go on a short walk to see the ability of my feet. Earlier I wanted a pack of smokes but that doesn't seem appealing at all to me anymore. I want that rush that high that comes with endurance that addiction. Money it seems I may always be too careless with but physical activity has always rang true one addiction I can be proud of.