Cape May, NJ

Oct 23, 2007 19:22

After returning to the island with Bobo, and helping the others to cure Sand, Caleb slipped away from the group, and returned to Cape May. Sure, Sand was still powerless, but there were plenty of other mystics who could help to undo that spell. Besides, what can he offer that Dr. Fate can’t ( Read more... )

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outcast_xtras October 23 2007, 23:37:27 UTC
Mara is there at the door with the neighbor, Rob. Classes got canceled over the international incident, and go fig, Caleb wasn't answering his phone. Again.

Not that she thought the two were related. Nope, she made the drive down through people acting like nutters on the road for her health. She didn't have a key to his Cape May house, but like the crazy stalker girl she probably looks like right now, she's bunked out with Caleb's neighbor to wait for him. And then chew him out. In that order.

Instead of the quiet fuming she had been doing, she's now standing behind Rob, who's swinging the bat in his hand like a pendulum in the doorway. "Whoever's in there," he starts, "You got five seconds to go!"


caleb_z October 23 2007, 23:48:48 UTC
Exactly six seconds elapse before Caleb nonchalantly opens the door, and tiredly regards his neighbor. The sight of the bat earns a half-smile from the tired Russian.

“I appreciate the thought, my old friend, but given the circumstances, is the bat strictly necessary?”


outcast_xtras October 23 2007, 23:53:50 UTC
"If it wasn't you it mighta been," Rob says, swinging the bat again for emphasis. Then he remembers the fuming little blonde behind him and gives Caleb a salute, which would be better used for 'good luck', before making his quick exit.

Mara's got her arms crossed over her chest and is glaring angrily. She waits until Rob leaves before she speaks, and then only an incoherent garble comes out that ends in "--I thought you were DEAD! CORPSEY! PUSHING UP DAISIES!"


caleb_z October 24 2007, 00:03:31 UTC
Naturally, my day would take me here.

“We met in Hell, laskat. You knew my work involved risks.” A few moments lapse before he softly continues. “You were actually my next stop. I just … I needed …. I don’t know, I just needed to quietly be for a few minutes.”


outcast_xtras October 24 2007, 00:38:53 UTC
"Don't you push that at me, Doc! Five generations of fire-fighters, remember? I've been to plenty of fucking funerals, it doesn't mean I have to be happy about it!"

Mara brushes a shaking hand into her hair, pulling it away from her face. "And you're an ass if you think I'm not supposed to be upset, just because I already know! And saying something that dumb is useless and cold and--"

She growls in frustration as she slams the door closed behind her, then flops into a chair. Her expression softens after she's sure she isn't going to cry. "I'm sorry. I was scared."


caleb_z October 24 2007, 01:17:06 UTC
“No, it-it’s alright. I didn’t mean to be cold, I just …. “

He runs his finger through his hair and sighs before walking up to her, kneeling down, and taking her into a calm, firm hug. “I’m glad to see you, too.”


outcast_xtras October 24 2007, 01:27:25 UTC
She sighs and rests her head against his, wrapping her arms around him. He's gritty and sweaty and icky, covered in blood of unknown origin, but she doesn't care. "You weren't being quiet, either," she notes feebly.

This is what it's going to be like.
This is what it's going to be like all the time.
There will be waiting for phone calls, and watching tv, and listening to the radio, and hearing nothing. There will be pacing and crying and some yelling for at least a while yet. If she was his girlfriend, anyway. That's exactly why there should be no pacing and crying and yelling.

She lets him go and tries to give him a hopeful look. "You need a shower. I can clean up the glass?" She indicates to the mess with a pointed finger.


caleb_z October 24 2007, 01:38:19 UTC
“You don’t have to,” he says as he picks up the picture of Amelia, now somewhat more scratched than before. He wipes some glass fragments onto the floor.

“And a shower sounds bloody marvelous.”


outcast_xtras October 24 2007, 01:47:14 UTC
"Why not? I'm already here."

Mara's headed for the mini-vac in the closet already. She's quickly got it half-way assembled. She's usually not this helpful but this time it seems like he needs it. "My car's parked downstairs. Do you want food? I can make a run to Boston Market, or make a pizza call. Whatever you want."


caleb_z October 24 2007, 02:03:56 UTC
He considers the thought, but soon decides that there needs to be a slight modification to the offered plan.

“What if you made yourself comfortable, and when I’m out of the shower, you’ll keep me company while I cook us dinner? I’ll season some fish, cut some peppers into a bowl of Spanish rice…”


outcast_xtras October 24 2007, 04:15:20 UTC
"You're asking me to stay? After--?"

She waves it off to turn the vacuum on. When she's done, she breaks it all down, and then sits quietly for a moment. "After all that, some big baddie fight, you're going to come home and make us dinner? I'm not trying to sound ungrateful, Doc, but what the hell?"


caleb_z October 24 2007, 04:25:25 UTC
That makes him somewhat self-conscious, and his whole form shifts moods.

“I enjoy cooking,” he explains simply. “It’s soothing, and it doesn’t involve risking life and limb. I enjoy spending time with you. It’s soothing, and it doesn’t involve risking life and limb.”

A quiet chuckle. “Usually.”

“It felt logical to combine the two, is all.”


outcast_xtras October 24 2007, 07:41:15 UTC
Mara just stares at him for a long time before moving to put the mini-vac in the closet. She's guessing he's not that stupid, only distracted and overwhelmed by a lot right now. It understandable, and maybe under certain other circumstances, she wouldn't push the issue.

However. "That all makes sense," she starts, but unfortunately she's not sure where the rest of the sentence goes. She settles on an affirmative mumble instead.


caleb_z October 24 2007, 08:00:26 UTC
’That all makes sense’? How amazingly … ambiguous.

“It was just a thought,” he continues as he picks up his coat off the floor, and hangs it up in the closet. “We can do something else, if your so inclined. I just … When I thought I was going to die, it occurred to me that I wouldn’t get to se you again. And that, well … sucked, I believe, is the technical expression. But I didn’t die, so I guess I win the grand prize, eh? One more day.” A beat. “With you.” Or, alternatively, I could get good and smashed, and then go help with riots in Florida.


outcast_xtras October 24 2007, 08:27:06 UTC
"I'm... the grand prize?"

She giggles, folds her arms and leans against the wall. Caleb might've saved himself from a lot of 'pissed off Mara' here. She's laughing into her sentence and trying to taper it off. "Doc-- Caleb. Look at us, we're a bunch of idiots. I know you go all over the place, and you're gone for days, weeks, and you never really tell me what you do. But I haven't been with anybody else, and I've got a feeling you haven't either, even if there's seventy-five percent of your life I simply don't exist in. So-- what is this?"


caleb_z October 24 2007, 08:43:16 UTC
He’s taken back a bit by that, having erroneously come away with the impression that Mara’s hesitation was born of skepticism. He feels like he went out on a limb, and came up short.

“Speak freely, Laskat. You know I respect blunt and honest.”


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