Plot-Bunnies; Beware

Apr 02, 2013 19:56

Dear Story Council,
If you would be so kind, please stop sending these rabid plot bunnies to my home. I'm already full up with megane characters wanting their way, ayakashi and CLAMP(R) creations overrunning my desk, my bookcase and occasionally terrifying my cat.

I do work a full time job, and would and can refer you to other writers who might oblige you by taking these *ahem* wonderful creations on.

…Really though…

Work on Magician proceeds apace; however, numerous plot-bunnies having to do with my new and coming-late-to-the-party fixation with Prince of Tennis, Kuroko no Basuke, and yet another Ouran idea have swarmed me, making it impossible to sleep the correct hours at night, eat healthy meals, and make otherwise usually easy decisions.
Great news for my word count for the year; horrible news for my back, my wrists and my social life. In that order.

ouran, fic, plot bunny

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