(no subject)

Dec 20, 2006 01:47


i thought since i havent updated in forever i would say something meaningful:

this is nto a suicide note just a reminder

if i was to die tomorrow:

i have this to say.....I love my friends i love my family i love my girlfriend chelsea she taught me the meaning of trust all over again
and taught me i could smile again

to say that no matter wahat happens stare your problems in the face smile and think to yourself you WILL get over it
beacuse you will
life is so short
and everyday you need to make it worth living
and since you never know when your going to die i thought i would write this just in case

For one at my funeral
i cant say dont cry beacuse no matter what i know my mom would
but dont mourn to long
remeber me
exchange stories about embarassing things ive done
lagh at me
i want to be creamated and eventually be spread out with my cousin if it happens before hes spread
i do want my organs donated and what not
at my funeral play danger zone and i trust nathan to play all my favorite songs
At my funeral i would want my closest friends to speak and Mr. Daly lol
but anyone no matter how well i knew them
i would be honored for them to speak
This is a really weird update but why the hell not

lifes short so live it up bitches

love you all,

(not a suicide note)
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