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Dec 09, 2023 22:39

"...We have some interesting variations in the language employed in describing the transition from life to death. In Matthew xxvi 35, for instance, we have Peter saying “Though I should die with thee.” The English revised version renders the phrase, “Even if I must die with thee.” Our authorised Gaelic version has ged b’ éiginn dhomh bàsachadh maille riut. The revisers have ged b’ éiginn domh dol eadhon gu bàs maille riut. The Irish has bás fhulaing, and the Manx goll gy-basse. Again in Romans v 6, 7 and 8 we are told Christ died for the ungodly; and our revisers render the three verses thus: 6. Oir an uair bha sinn fathast gun neart, ann an àm iomchaidh bhàsaich Crìost airson nan daoine neo-dhiadhaidh. 7. Oir is gann a bhàsaicheas duine airson fìrein; ach theagamh gum bitheadh aig neach éiginn de mhisnich eadhon bàsachadh airson an duine mhaith. 8. Ach tha Dia a’ moladh a ghràidh féin duinne, do bhrìgh, an uair a bha sinn fathast ’nar peacaich, gun do bhàsaich Crìost air ar son. In the authorised version we have ‘bhàsaich’ in the 6th verse as above; but in the 7th verse we have ‘dh’fhuilingeas duine bàs’, and the same form of expression is used in the 8th verse “that is to suffer death”. The Irish and Manx have also that form. Bishop Grant has “dh’eug Crìosta” in the 6th verse, but follows the language of the other translations in the following verses. The word bàsaich (to die) is not generally applied as above. In many districts its use is restricted to animals. ‘Bhàsaich an t-each’ (the horse died) is right and proper, but to say ‘Bhàsaich Iain’ (John died) would be considered an inappropriate use of the word. In other districts, particularly in some of the islands ‘bhàsaich’ is applied indiscriminately to man and beast. Along the Western mainland one would, as a rule, say ‘chaochail Iain’ (John has changed), that is to say, John has changed from the natural to the spirit life. Again we hear ‘dh'eug lain’ where “eug” (death) is used as a verb. In Mid-Inverness-shire they say ‘theirig Iain’, or ‘chrìoch Iain’, the one implying that life was exhausted and the other that it had ended. Further, in some districts we hear the phrase ‘dh’fhalbh i’ or ‘e’ and ‘shiubhail i’ or ‘e’ (as the case may be), meaning that the person had departed. A Lochaber man who once rejoiced over the death of his old cailleach began his gaudeamus thus: “Mìle beannachd aig an Eug, ’s ioma fear dhan d’ rinn e feum, thug e bhuam-s’ a’ chailleach bhreun, ’s éibhinn leam gun shiubhail i, shiubhail i, ’s gun shiubhail i.*” In districts where such expressions as we have mentioned are used, “bàsaich” would be applied to animals. The condition of being dead is described by the phrase ‘tha e marbh’ both in the case of man and the lower animals: but in the former we have several other expressions such as ‘chan eil e maireann’ (he is not enduring, i.e. he is not alive) and ‘chan eil e a’ làthair’ (he is not in the present i.e. in life.) In the Reay country the common expression is ‘chan eil e seachla’ (He is not remaining, or surviving.)" (отсюда: NB флаг!)

Что характерно, если вставить в гугл-транслейт "We want Utin to die", имея в уме русское "мы хотим, чтоб Утин сдох", получаем "Tha sinn airson gum bàsaich Utin" - видимо, у гугла необычайно развилась интуиция, и пэр Дизент тут высоким штилем уподобляется Христу и апостолам.

"Тыщу раз благословена будь Смерть, многие ей уже пригодились, забрала у меня старуху вонючую, как я рад, что пошла она отсюда, и пошла, и пошла!"
Особенную сексистскую красоту высказыванию придаёт то, что Смерть в гэльском мужского пола, и проявляет по отношению к говорящему мужскую солидарность, организовав его жене столь дальнее путешествие.

кайликь, còisir an fhithich

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