May 20, 2004 00:41
I kept dieing this morning.
After drinking, you see, you experience a couple neat things;
1. Dehydration - the alcohol has forced evaporation of a certain vital portion of the body's water.
2. Nervous shock - you're coming off the effects of a mild overdose of a depressant drug, so your nerves are displaying the great Newtonian natural law of action/reaction by going into a relatively hypersensitive state.
3. Malnutrition - pumping all that alcohol and liquid through your body has effectively flushed away a significant supply of your storage of vitamins and nutrients, chemicals which would stimulate natural defense systems, but you're running seriously low on them now.
Now, I haven't exactly read a great deal on neuropsychology, but I've read an article in Scientific American, and I've had a few learned conversations, and I feel comfortable claiming that all these different things can really do a number on the chemical systems that affect your consciousness...
All you really have to do at this point is sleep (for an oh-so brief 3 hours) in a tent too small to be comfortable in, a tent that not only can you not lay at full length in, but you cannot raise your torso above about 30 degrees before contacting the ceiling of, and just for fun you can't stretch out your arms out fully in, either.
So we're almost there: now make it white, and park it about 10 feet from a spring-melt swollen river, on the greyest and most mundane of cold mornings.
I know this isn't communicating it, but you have to understand, this was bleak, emotionally, physically, spiritually, on every level we claim to exist on, a man was left cold and hollow.
I drowned it with sleep, and attempted to stabilize my chemistry - by noon I was feeling rather better, as I had slept a reasonable amount, and had eat a bit.
By the time brunch had been had, it was good times, although I regretted having to leave my friends - I had been camping with David and Atsuko; I do not know how long it will be until I meet her again - it is not unreasonable to say never, although that implies either a busier or boring life to be lived by me, so I prefer to imagine it as being unreasonable.
The previous afternoon/evening had been wonderful fun; almost all that one could ask for - although it is lonely being alone with a couple like that, but mostly it was just the same as being with two friends.
David and I played some songs from our old band, then moved towards random songs we both know - with me of course haphazardly pretending to remember how to play them and the both of us trying to piece together lyrics from the fragments we could remember. Country Feedback I copped particularly well - I had played it just a day before with some very accurate tablature, and I know/knew certain parts that I was playing completely wrong, but somehow it was the only way it worked at the time.
Drank an interesting drink I hadn't had before: Vodka, water, and concentrated lime juice - I suppose it isn't so different from lime kool-aid with vodka, but due to having less sugar and real fruit juice in it, it is much more refreshing.
It seems about the ultimate cool-down drink, something for a hot day when you need a drink with class.
Monday I did little,
And Sunday I had a comic-jam with my friend Kyle, we got some decent progress on the responsibility distribution/evolution of the story arc. I feel rather excellent about it.