Fox'd and Fiddle'd today, and then to the Ball Room for Pool, where I had but a single decent round in three games (played better than usual!) and Larry had his entire car stereo stolen, short of the wiring and a single capacitor. Yes, he did. Poor Larry...
Despite Larry's misfortune, all I can think about is The Cure. Their website is very disappointing when compared to how it had been since Wild Mood Swings, but it had this on it at least:
The Cure - The End Of The World (Video) It reminds me of Arlie's house. Poor house...
The Thirty-First cannot come soon enough; I don't know how I could have doubted whether I should attend the show or not... oh yes, I can't actually afford it at the mo.
It's going to be such an excellent experience; only Queen live - or Me live in a large venue - could top it - and Queen might not even be intense enoughto beat it; they were less emotional and more hard-rocking live. Thin Lizzy or T.Rex would probably equal it, but those are the only contenders that come to mind.