(no subject)

Aug 26, 2005 02:33

Mostly forgot to take pictures today, but here's the horse Gry and I built. It's about 3-4' tall, and made mostly of chickenwire, newspaper and glue.

The purpose is to let it stick out through the tent walls, so it looks like a whole horse is poking its head into the tent (the show's called "Free Horse"), but it was raining today and it's mostly made of newspaper, so...

I put it on stage during an info meeting for the student theatre.

And since it's picture time, I've been walking this guy a lot lately to make him stop barking in the tech booth during the show. His name is Hercules, he's the technical manager's Golden Retriever, he's twelve weeks old now and he's spent at least two or three in the festival tent. I think walking around with him was my best chance ever at getting a harem, but I suppose I blew it.

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