Aug 06, 2006 11:18
it's official: i hate customers that shit on the toilet seat at work. that's soooo '93.
also, ladies, if you ever have the need to feel like a woman, walk around the parking lot where i work. there's a 99.9% chance that you will get cat called by men that drive pickup trucks with a tool bed on the back. it's hot. and if youre REALLY lucky they will have a cigarette hanging out of their mouth and wearing a nice wifebeater. again, that's soooo '93, '83 even.
i saw The Descent on friday and i really enjoyed it. like...i hardly ever jump at scary movies anymore because they are so cheesy and predictable. but THIS one was different. i jumped like 3 times. i was tense through the whole movie. and it was really gory. like...worse than Dawn of the Dead. which i loved. so go see it but don't eat burritos before you do.
we have this stupid fish and i feel so bad for it cuz amanda barely ever cleans the the thing and it swims around in its own filth. i caught it crying last night and asking for a razor. i dont blame him/her.
no beer pics this time. i was starting to feel like i may have what the specialists call a "problem".