happy am I

Nov 06, 2008 17:18

with school, weather, girlfriends, hot tea, passing notes in class, dreamy autumn afternoons listening to records and looking out the window, and especially with a Friday night date with my new squeeze. I'm looking forward to many dates and days and nights to come.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: andrea
Date: Nov 5, 2008 8:17 PM

there's this movie called 'born in flames' about a future where feminism prevails. and in it, there's this girl-bike-gang that goes on patrol and then encircles and blows their whistles at all the dudes that are being assholes to women on the streets.

let's start that klub?


From: christina
Date: Nov 6, 2008 4:41 PM

yes to that, and right on, and so on! And I'm watchin that movie.

PS. My new squeeze/ bf2b is in a klub of his own called MAN CLUB. It is a no-girls-allowed club about feminism. A bunch of his manly bike-riding friends get together for brunch every once in awhile to discuss feminism and feminist literature. It is insane. I want to peek in on a meeting but I don't meet qualifications.
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