The relevant backstory

Sep 28, 2008 03:15

Just stepped outside and smelled a certain plant I haven't caught a whiff of in a while. Guess I'm back on campus.

So I'm living in a group of 7 males, in two adjacent apartments on the third floor of the apartment building on campus. Five of us are LDS, which is really nice. On the basic value level - what's allowed in the apartment - it's obviously nice; no smoking/drinking/sex is the unspoken guideline. People are always going to church or to church activities, or having church friends over for dinner - oh yeah, we eat dinner together, which is awesome. And it's really helping me prepare to serve a mission; all of my LDS roomies are returned missionaries. (That's another topic in its own right and will get a post soon. Partially just to clear my thinking.)

So this is the background against which the dating drama occurs. Plus in terms of sheer numbers the whole scene is pretty incestuous; there are like four other active, non-married/engaged LDS undergraduates on campus; two are freshman and two just got back from their mission. There's some outside dating of course, but the core group is maybe 25 active LDS undergraduates on campus at any one time, including taken people. And the undergraduate community is only partly integrated with the rest of the ward.

This means that, in economic terms, we pretty much have a corner on the undergraduate LDS female dating market. And as any econ 1 student knows, cartels get formed because the partners can divide higher, monopoly profits, between them,

How much of the previous part was consciously in the mind of my roommates. But I do know that when I walked into the next-door apartment, my mega-dater roomie Jon was scrolling through his iPhone, reading  off girls' names so people could call dibs on first dates with girls.

Finding this somewhere between brilliant and really distasteful, I snapped up dibs on a couple. Later I decided I wasn't interested in one of them  (we didn't hit it off, and Jon is interested in her) but I was interested in Kendra, who I hadn't called dibs on. So I called her and asked her out. I might ask her out on a second date, but I think I'll ask out a couple other girls on first dates first. I'm interested in Kendra - we hit it off - but not really really interested atm, and I don't want to just pursue the first option that falls into my hands.

So, calling dibs on common friends: okay? Definitely not okay? Only okay for first dates?
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