Title: Northbound Countdown 6/10 (a/k/a 3.7.2009, 5 Days until SPN returns from break.)
Author: Nikki Loza (a/k/a
calcium_yeah )
Disclaimer: A collection of people own Supernatural and its characters. Misha owns himself. I own nothing.
Rating: R
Fandom: Supernatural/RPS
Genre/ Pairing: Slash. Dean/Misha. Contemplation of Dean/Castiel.
Spoilers: Takes place post-4x11 Sex and Violence.
Warnings: WIP written live over 10 days, so you may wish to wait until the end if you would like the full, edited version. Thoughts of angel!porn.
Notes: Been out all day, so this is a very short chapter that will be continued with a much longer bit tomorrow.
Summary: Dean and Misha make out. 10 day Dean/Misha countdown to Supernatural's return from winter break.
When Misha’s lips landed on Dean’s, his eyes closed instinctively before opening wide with the realization of what was happening. Dean moved his head back, breaking the kiss only moments after it had started, but Misha’s hand was still on the back of his neck, holding him inches away.
“I’m really not-wasn’t” Dean’s words were muffled as Misha leaned in again, mouth open and soft, tongue licking the hunter’s bottom lip and it felt enough like any kiss Dean had ever had that he fell into his comfort zone--pushing in closer, scraping teeth on lips and gripping the neck of the person in front of him until he knew that they were feeling something, that he was feeling something.
Dean felt a hand hooking into his belt and he mimicked the motion, grabbing at the back of Misha’s waistband and slipping his thumb inside to scratch his nail along the actor’s lower back.
“What am I doing?” Dean breathed his words into Misha’s mouth, pushing and pulling back from the other man’s lips, wanting to stop himself, but wanting that connection, but unable to ignore that he was making out with some guy, but feeling so compelled to touch and connect and release.
“I think you’re doing me.” Misha’s lowered, raspy voice sounded like Cas again and it stirred such longing for the angel that Dean dove forward, swinging his left leg over Misha’s waist and barely giving the other man enough time to pull his legs up to lay flat on the couch.
“Fuck, I think I want this,” Dean panted into the other man’s mouth as he grasped handfuls of his t-shirt, scrabbling to push it up and rubbing his stomach along the way.
“Yeah?” Misha gasped back as Dean moved to bite gently along his jawline.
Previous Chapters:
One Two Three Four Five