Today's Tweets

Oct 31, 2009 03:01

  • 03:38 You may want to deepen a business or personal relationship, bu... More for Virgo #
  • 09:37 RT @BBC_TopGear: Usually knitting isn't cool, but when it comes to the Lexus LFA, it actually is #TopGear #
  • 09:38 And I beg to differ, knitting is cool =P #
  • 12:42 @ RubyCosmos Email sent to both conscrew and gmail, hope you get it ok! #
  • 12:50 By the way, not a fan of Cherry Dr Pepper, tastes mostly cherry and no Dr Pepper. So far =, only good Cherry soda is Cherry Coke #
  • 15:41 @ debthebumblebee Oh, I love regular Dr Pepper, but the cherry flavoured one, not so much #
  • 19:03 @ RubyCosmos Right. Sorry it took so long to get them to you #
  • 19:03 Just helped someone do homework by figuring out what to type into google... #
  • 19:05 @ etoile Heh, tempting #
  • 20:57 ...wait, Gitmo detainees (you know, suspected terrorists) are going to get the H1N1 shot before the rest of us? #
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