Today's Tweets

Oct 27, 2009 03:00

  • 04:01 Normally, you can be quite focused and detail-oriented when yo... More for Virgo #
  • 11:32 This must be spill stuff on Mich week, Sat, wind blew over a plate that knocked over a cup of beer on to me, today, Dr Pepper explosion #
  • 11:32 It wasn't even my Dr Pepper! #
  • 16:12 RT @dcagle: Sad to see what's become of our space program, just getting sucked into a underfunded black hole #
  • 16:13 @ dcagle If only there was a way to get word out about what NASA does since they're not allowed to advertise themselves... #
  • 17:27 *blink* really, classes start Jan 9 in the spring? #
  • 17:41 I wish there were more lab options for phy242, current offerings mean I have to take Diff Eq as an online course #
  • 20:14 @ Cynical_Woman Don't know if it's still stocked, and not sure about the age range, but Angelic Layer (manga) would likely fit the criteria #
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