Oct 21, 2009 03:00
- 03:59 Your key planet Mercury is locked into a harmonious trine with... More for Virgo bit.ly/YAdyK #
- 11:45 RT @WMSchoolofBiz: No tickets to the Homecoming game? No prob! We're showing the game on two big TVs under the tent at Miller Hall! #wmhc09 #
- 11:54 @ rsknitting We stopped worshipping as gods, I bet they feel they must torment us now #
- 21:01 Does twitter work for me yet? #
- 21:03 @ kittykatya Well finally, tried posting a tweet on the web, wouldn't go through so I gave up for a few hours #
- 21:09 Sorry Yankees fans, I seem to be bad luck, I check on how the game is going and the Angel's hit a home run for their first score. #
- 21:09 I have stepped away and will not pay attention again #
- 21:15 If you can't get into the sold-out JMU game, the Alumni House will have FIVE big-screen TVs for diehard Tribe fans #wmhc09 #
- 21:21 And I am now registered for the Alumni Tailgate! Whoot! #wmhc09 #
- 23:31 And I'm now a member of a fraternity - Phi Theta Kapp, PBK's little brother.... #
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