Today's Tweets

Oct 14, 2009 03:00

  • 03:48 You are even more self-restrained than usual since today's aus... More for Virgo #
  • 07:11 Not awake, but off to schoolI go #
  • 07:59 @ cynical_woman possibly. I just consider a series to be a series of continuous events, though admittedly some series aren't like that #
  • 08:56 Hey @tncc what's up w/the evacuation? Give us some news? #
  • 11:46 Still no word on the campus wide evacuation this morning, makes me wonder just what would set off the emergency alert system #
  • 11:47 At dentist waiting to get a filling, meh. Think we're replacing one I've ground down and not a new one at least #
  • 12:27 And done. Faster than I'm used to. Another hour till I can eat though #
  • 16:21 @ ShepherdSusie yikes! Glad everyone is ok, sorry everyone is horribly stressed though. How much longer till the ferry? #
  • 21:05 @ Cynical_Woman Oh dear, is playdoh easier to get out of carpet then when I was a kid. I nearly got killed for doing just that #
  • 21:27 Did I really just learn of a Luna-C performance through facebook? Or did I just miss the email to the group announcing it? #
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