I hate it when people drop out at the last minute!

Apr 10, 2005 19:27

Just in case people got confused by the "subject" of the last entry (that's if anyone bothered to read it), I was planning to do something random about Gwen Stefani's new one but ran out of time. So the subject has nothing to do with the content! Apart from the fact I sort of went bananas with the fanfiction bit. Ah well, I always like randomness...

Now, on to the rather depressing (for me anyway) subject of this post. I organised a get together for some of my friends at a park for tomorrow. I say "some" because about 6 of them have dropped out! My original list of something like 11 people is down to five, maybe less. Something always seems to go wrong when I organise a get-together. Usually people drop out at the last minute, the weather turns evil on me, or both at once plus something worse--they do say bad things come in threes.
An example would be my birthday party last year--I planned to go to the beach, eat dinner on a balcony owned by my dad's workplace, then come back to my house and have a movie, then sleepover outside under the stars. Since my birthday's in summer I thought it would be the best thing I'd done yet--but no.
Some people couldn't come, for a start. That's pretty normal, but then my dad's workplace wouldn't let us use the balcony, which I'd been spruiking as the "secret location you didn't even know existed!" My parents decided I'd done something or other (I'm still not sure what) and wasn't worthy of a sleepover, and to top it off, the day before the party I found out there were freezing, gale-force winds forecast for the beach!
So I ended up having my friends over at my house, eating, talking, jumping in and out of the pool, watching Mean Girls and swimming some more...it wasn't too bad once I got used to it I guess. We did have fun, but out of all my plans only the video happened!

The point of all this (if it had one in the first place) is to demonstrate how annoyed I get when things go wrong at the last minute, and I have to make do with something a long way inferior to what I planned. What I find even more annoying is when people do it deliberately, like my parents taking away the sleepover. Not that I think I'm the only one, this kind of thing annoys everyone! And I think I've turned this into a rant without knowing it. Oops. It wasn't supposed to be one! I'm not mad at my friends (you're all cool!), just disappointed that so few of them can make it. The idea was the whole group together, not bits of it. Arg.

I've pretty much ranted myself out now I think...I'll sign off now and go blob around the Internet for a while. All my friends have left me on MSN alone...sob sob...then again it's nearly 10 pm. Meaning they're being sensible and I'm not, once again. At least I don't have to get up early tomorrow--God bless the person who came up with school holidays!

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