May 09, 2005 21:04
Tee hee. I'm updating, you can stop bugging me now!! Okay., and the fact that I'm 45% normal. Heh heh heh. I'll include the thingamo at the end.
Rightio! Dancesport was er...interesting. We started out with the slow rhythm...which is about 6 steps and just repeats and repeats and repeats like a scratched CD and repeats and repeats and repeats...2 steps backward, side, together, 2 steps forward, side, together..round and round the circle...boooorrring. We had to pick partners first up. I was wandering around near the crowd of Asian guys (they all seem to stick together's weird) and I saw one non-Asian walking around looking as lost as I probably did, so up I went and tapped him on the shoulder. (Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Asian's just none of them looked that eligible.) Anyway, I said hi and introduced myself to this guy. Turned out there was no need.
"Hi. I'm Ellie."
"I'm Tez. Yeah, I know you, you were in the production!" Guess what folks, I'd found yet another guy who remembered me from the drama production! Last time I ended up dancing with about 3 of them when we had to change partners. Anyway, Tez seemed nice enough; he got really bored with the slow rhythm thing, but so did everyone else. I think I'll follow this one up next time. Actually, the really funny thing is that after a while we all had to stop dancing, and the dance teacher told the guys without partners to go and tap another guy on the shoulder and take his partner. And I ended up with an Asian guy!! I had to laugh.
Then we went through the meringue (the Latin type thing we did last time that I couldn't remember the name of) again, and then the boys had to pick partners. And I just had to get picked by Josh--the chubby guy I told you about last time who couldn't dance. There I was looking around for somebody cute to catch the eye of, and up he comes and says "Hi, want to try it again?" I'm sorry to say I wasn't very welcoming...I said something like "Um..okay..I guess." He still can't dance, and he was still scared of touching me. I felt like poking him and going "you can touch me you know, I don't bite!" But I didn't want to give him the wrong idea...if he develops a crush on me (highly unlikely I know, but guys are strange creatures) I am going to die. Not that I'm worried about my image or anything (HA! that's a laugh, what image?!) but he's the last person I'd want to go out with.
I still can't do the meringue that well, or remember the steps, but ah well. If I can find a guy that does it'll be much easier, I'm sure. *wink*
What else did we do...the classic jive, I think that's what it's called. Oh, and the line dance version of the meringue...which I would prefer to forget *shudder*. wasn't that bad...but we have to do this lean-back-like-you're-doing-the-limbo-and-jump-forward thing which looks really bad, even worse when the guys do it and worst when the slutty girls do it and show off their boobs. Erk.
But the jive I actually enjoyed!! Don't know why but it was fun. I think it's cos it's the only dance we haven't done with partners yet, and we get to do this fast "American SPIN"!! I like spinning...ehehehe...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! *cough* don't mind me.
Oh and Clare (btw Emma I'm going to use actual names in this now...can't be bothered making up and remembering aliases unless necessary) had a run in with a bad partner...she asked him to dance but he kept looking at everyone around him and making faces, saying stuff about how gross she was or something...which upset her and she was crying all over us when we got out...grrr. In the immortal words of my bro, "He was a dee-eye-cee-kay-aych-ee-ay-dee-ex-cla-ma-tion-mark!" Say it and you'll see what I mean. The nonsensical sounding bit spells something.
Ooh crud, I have to get off. Cate Blanchett is being interviewed YAY!!!! Bye bye...oh and Ella "Expect the unexpected!!!" heh heh...never mind, private joke. Cyaz!