Stupid ignorant people are stupid and ignorant.

Nov 08, 2008 19:58

There are a lot of pissed off customers in my store insisting that their gun rights are about to be taken away now that Obama and the Democrats are "taking over." Seriously? Gun rights? That's a major issue at this point in time? I'm sorry, did you check you bills lately? I'm more concerned with my money, thank you. "Obama's gonna kill babies!" Coming from a person who's pretty pro-life, I still say shut the hell up already because again, abortion isn't a major issue at hand. "Obama supports gays getting married!" He's not a supporter of gay marriage. Him and Binden both made that clear. They simply believe that idiots who helped passed proposition 8 need to chill out and give gays the same rights to property and other legal benefits that straight couples have. "Terrorist attacks are gonna happen now!" No shit, and they would have even if McCain was elected. Any new president is vulnerable in their first year or so in office. Besides that, these people who are after us are crazed and hate the United Sates regardless of who is running it.

Honestly, I'm sick and tired of hearing the bitching. I had to deal with an Idiot running the nation for 8 years now, watching as my dad came home complaining because his bosses cut back on payment for overtime, listening to my mom worry over our safety because of the threat to reenstate the draft (thank God it never happened). So really, I don't give a shit anymore about these red-necks complaining about their precious weapons and religious beliefs and misconceptions about terrorism. Obama will be the next president. Suck it the fuck up and deal with it.

The man isn't Jesus, no, but he's the lesser of what I considered two evils. He's not perfect, but he definitely gives a shit about middle class America far more then our current president does.

Oh lovely... I feel an illness coming my way. Peachy.
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