Oct 21, 2004 20:05
hey guys. well i just found out some bad news. see my friend from my aau basketball team has been having these problems with her ears. last year she had something wrong with them.. i dunno if she had a tumor or what but she got whatever it was taken out, and was ok this year. then right before one of the last tourney's, she got sick again and didnt really have all of her balance. she was dizzy and stuff so she got surgery performed on her ears and the freakin doctors screwed up her balance so bad that she had to be put into a wheelchair. ughh and then i just found out that she had surgery again and they found some kind of cloudy liquid that was supposed to be clear in her ears. i dk whats going on. i hope its not a tumor or anything serious.. so in any event, she has to continue to be home schooled until december i think, but i dk if she will ever get out of that wheel chair cuz her balance is so screwed up. ahh why does this have to happen? and my grandpa. like why is all this happening now? besides my aunt and uncle.. hes the only one i got left. and my family has been repeatedly saying about how its only a matter of time. i cant deal with it anymore. im really gunna miss him. =( so guys.. please please pleeease keep both my grandpa and my friend in your prayers.. =\
umm moving on. today.. not good. after finding that out about my friend, and thinking about my grandpa.. ughh just i dunno it just wasnt a good day. oh and guys im sorry if sometimes i seem really out of it or sad or w/e for a few days at a time, but i just have a lot of stuff going on, and i just cant handle stuff like this very good. im sorry..
so anyway.. sprague is having us take an impossible test on monday. he even says its hard, and all of his tests have been hard in the past.. great. theres a failing grade.. umm yea spanish.. hozdic is gay as hell. we have a quiz tuesday, and my oral is due next week. haha funny how i just got done giving my lit oral. i hate teachers and how they cram everything in at the last moment. i love it when they all have tests and orals in the same period of time. i just love it. then chem. got a test monday. yes. not. and gym.. got an oral in that too coming up. yayy. then lit is going alright except for the few "easy" (hence the quotes) quizzes that she has given us. unbelievable. then health. ok who in their great mind would make us read two books in health class. who? yea thats right. abbate. and then math sux as always. cant get a friggin good grade even if i tried..
shh yes so that is how school and life is going in general. great huh? mhm mmk well sorry this is a "complaining" entry. had to let some of that out in a good way..
sooooo tomorro. cant wait til after school. joes dance at night. partyy at christina's wooo! and then joes canisius football game sat. yayyyy finally some fun =) maybe ill finally let off some stress..
alright well i still gotta do shitty math.
luv you all.. even if you dont love me back.
ohhhh. varsity bball tryouts start november 1st. should be a blast..