
Nov 04, 2004 17:54

oh boy oh boy. well today was ok. no basketball practice, so that is good, cuz my legs hurt sooo bad.. we did all that acl crap, and ouchies those lunges hurt yesterday. haha but yea i dunno how basketball is going.. but yea. ummm

and today in lunch me and L.J. were laughing our asses off at some things. first off, i was trying to write some things on her hand (dont forget to bring reese puffs for cara) and all throughout me trying to do this, she suddenly bursts out laughing and was like "OMG STOP THAT TICKLES!" "OOOO NOO STOP THAT TICKELS!!" "AHH CARA STOOOOOOOP!!" meanwhile i am like lmfao and i like cant write on her skin to begin with cuz heaven forbid it should tickle.. hhahaha *dying* ohhh my, so then she wanted to write on my hand, so she starts to with my pen, but it wouldnt work and come to find out.. the ink was all gone so she wrote on my hand with her pen instead. lol it said "haha isnt this tickling you?? my pen isnt as retarded as yours.." hahah and then lauren walked away to go talk to marissa? and linds goes. "god i hate her" and i was like umm who? and she was like lauren because she is so skinny and pretty. and i like beat her ass cuz she said that. and then linds was like.. "and im soo not"and i was like ARRRRRRRGGGGGGG CUZ LINDSAY U ARE AND DONT EVER SAY TAHT AGAIN OR ELSE U KNOW THATS GUNNA HAPPEN =) haha thank you. mmmm so then still during lunch, i turn to linds and she says "hey now.." and then simotaneously? we say "YOU'RE AN ALLSTAR" hahaha omg wow we really found that funny for some reason. haha

so lauren always reads my lj, but will never leave a comment. LEAVE A COMMENT DAMMNIT!!! haha jk i luv ya laurrrrr!!

ahh guys well i gtg do a little bit of hw cuz i really didnt get any tonite. maybe i will update later..



p.s... thanks ben!! i luv ya tooo
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