ohh god great night..

Oct 31, 2004 00:29

omg so tonite me and christina decide that we are gunna go to bridget's house, so christina picks me up at around oh.. 7:15? and we get to bridge's and we are like "hmm what should we do" so then in the dark, we randomly walk around her neighborhood for like a half an hour. haha we tried to go over to kristen fish's house, but needless to say.. there was no one home. lol haha then we went back to bridget's and ate bagle bites which i am now once again addicted to. andd we ate cupcakes and then watched a movie, but we really didnt watch the movie cuz we sat and went through bridge's old st. gregs yearbook. haha good times. ahh then we went outside and met up with her friend patrick. now let me tell you all about this guy. OMFFFFG he is fucken hilarious. jesus christ i was like dying. omg i dont think i have ever laughed that hard before in my life. omg.. haha then christina's dad picked us up, and well yes here i am.. omg great night. haha..

mm sooo tomorro i am going to a little party thats being thrown for my friend julie and the rest of us PAL girls. its from 1-3, so that should be fun. cant wait to see everyone. i miss you guys =(

annnd now i think i am once again gunna take a shower. because im cold. lol alllllrighty so im out guys..

love you all lots!

..i love u not only for what u are, but for who i am when i am with u..
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