Yuletide & classy telly

Nov 03, 2012 13:44

As is traditional, I will now flail about my Yuletide assignment.


Or not. Even though I've got the fandom I put in cause I had to put in A Fourth Fandom (though, really, I feel like I cheated with the three - one of them was The Curse of Fatal Death, ahem) so I don't feel like I can sit down and write something straight off like I could with the others. BUT, I do get to rewatch the whole series guilt-free and it is a smashing series that I love. And there's a perfectly sensible Yuletide letter to go with it. ALWAYS A PLUS.

I've also written my own Yuletide letter where I resist the urge to say "ANYTHING WITH THESE CHARACTERS I LOVE THEM KTHXBAI" and try and be slightly more helpful.

For the rest of the day I plan to construct some manner of hot water bottle fort to hide out in.

Then, and yes I am ashamed, catch up on Revolution. IT'S SO BAD. Everyone is an idiot. SPLENDIDLY IDIOTIC. Plot points chosen from the Big Book of Plot Points! Characters copied from The Big Book of Character Types (Post-Apocalyptic Edition)!

And not only do the bad guys wear black, they're now burning the US flag. And shooting you for exercising your God-given right to own guns (that's right, this show knows what irony is and it isn't afraid to fashion it into a two by four and clobber you with it). The good guys have the US flag tattoed on their backs and want to "bring back the USA". What do they mean by that? Do they just want the name? Do they want to bring back NASA and make some quality HBO telly, or do they want unrelenting attacks on civil liberties and religious belief trumping science and common sense in public debate? Have they considered how recreating a country that didn't even exist until the middle of the Industrial Revolution might not exactly be tenable when you've only got medieval technology to work with? WHO KNOWS? They certainly don't. Substance is for LOSERS.

These patriotic heroes also have a worse grasp of military tactics than I do (and everything I know, I learned from Command and Conquer). "Oh, our base might be compromised since one of our dudes is missing after a battle... maybe we should presume he's been captured and get out of here before we're wiped out by our vastly better trained, better equipped enemies who outnumber us like woah," they don't say.

I assume they're all going to die horribly and dinosaur ghosts will inherit the Earth.

yuletide, revolution

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