Have watched some new telly, one was quite good, the other was bloody awful. And yet I'm still watching the next episode. SHAMING SHAME.
It's not that I don't think Revolution is bad telly. It is. A lot. It is stale popcorn television. But my expectations were so very low than instead of being infuriated at how bad it was, I just let it wash over me like a vaguely amusing reality tv show. It's got nothing new to say about a post-apocalyptic society, it's replete with lovingly cookie-cuttered one-note characters, and plot twists obvious enough that I can actually spot them (I've been surprised by Quantum Leap in the past; it's not exactly hard to misdirect me) and an apocalyptic scenario that DS9 did better and in 45 minutes.
And yet I ended up being entertained: all the electricity might have stopped but we still know who the Bad Guys are cause they're dressed in black; there's the lolarious death scene of Charlie's father (I'm fairly sure I wasn't suppose to laugh); the nice lady who knows there are Bad People Out There so brings along poisoned whisky prompting Amusing Ironic Deaths (less amusing is that it took a grand total of 23 minutes before the first attempted rape, oh yay), and just to make sure I'll be watching next week, Our Moody Hero turns out to fight like Trinity in The Matrix, if Trinity had a sword. Oh yeah. The apocalypse might have happened but The Edgy Dude can still take on five, no a dozen, no, fifty! men single-handedly with only a pointy bit of metal and his 133t fighting skills. HE STROLLS AS BULLETS FIRE. They think they've surrounded him, but really he's surrounded them! By himself! The sheer OTT absurdity of it...it's like some pulp parody of post-apocalyptic fiction.
Meanwhile on the crimson short one, aka Red Dwarf, half of the episode is spent with so-so amusement as they establish that they're not doing a Back to Earth celebration, but trying to make Proper Red Dwarf. As in seasons 1-5, or 1-6 if you're feeling generous, with all of the canonical awfulness of 7 and 8 just cheerfully ignored. Which is fine by me. Everyone is looking None Too Shabby considering it's been about twenty-five years since the first one, and there's a spaceship on the telly, flying through space, so I'm quite happy.
But then there's a rather keen upswing. The plot stops being reassuringly generic and turns into a something that feels very much Proper Red Dwarf and yet manages to find a bit of new ground with Rimmer and his family. And then I realised I'd laughed out loud (which I don't do often for RD - I do love it quite a lot, but it's mostly amusement rather than lols that it brings). I can't remember what actually made me laugh, but everything after Rimmer saying that, yes, actually he would keep being a weasel and they all go pretend to be Elite Space People was very yayful to me.
And it's Thursday, so I think I've got another episode to watch now. Hurrah!
Still got Elementary to see. Am v glad it seems to be turning out not to be terrible.