mostly lovely things

Mar 27, 2012 17:38

Today is MADE OF SUMMER. Mostly I've been outside reading (and working, hurrah, fixed laptop!) and lamenting the lack of Pimms in my vicinity.

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OH HELLO NEW DOCTOR WHO ILU. I spy a Ben Browder and a Mr Weasley and LOVELY PONDS. I am determined not to be bitter re PONDS. We've had them longer than anyone else in New Who and most companions in Classic, BUT I REALLY LOVE THEM.

I don't love Westerns though. But I do quite like it when sciffy shows do Westerns - The Gunfighters, A Fistful of Datas, that episode of Red Dwarf that the Beeb have played so often the tape disintegrated, all good stuff.

Probably it's wrong to base my entire opinion of Elementary on Lucy Lui and her coat (ie the coat that the article's *not* about) but I really, really love that coat. And Lucy Lui. Also, I'm *pretty* sure Universal did that whole "set Sherlock Holmes in modern times" back in the forties. Where, yes, he fought Nazis. Though it is quite a similar costume. I suppose.

No, hang on, almost everything in the post made me think Elementary sounded pretty keen as well. Hurrah! My taste in telly is about more than nice coats!

There is only one Spartacus left this season. It's like the worst thing to ever happen in television ever. Last week was AMAZING. Some episodes I think, no, I am not ever going to love Illythia more, that is absurd, and then episodes like last week's happen and it's just OMG YES I AM ACTUALLY. Normally I don't give a jot for the violence cause it's always jumped over gross to hilariously over the top due to silly amounts of blood, but this week managed to be so very, very OTT it crossed the line back over to gross again. THERE REALLY WAS A LOT OF BLOOD, OKAY.

On the bright side, Spartacus did not slice off anyone's face so that their CGI brain fell out. Cause that happened once.

But I think this is appearing on the telly instead, like it is trying to make me feel better by giving me another show with swords and stuff:

The More You Love Trailer

This is the best trailer. Cause it has Natalie Dormer in it. I know I said I love Lannisters best and I do, and Margaery is clearly far too competent and sane to get to be Queen anyway, but she's also Natalie Dormer so suddenly and magically She Is The Best Of Them.

And here is a picture of the whole universe. It's very beautful.

space, eleventy, game of thrones, omg ponds, doctor who, spartacus

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