a fannish year in review

Dec 21, 2010 22:32

Though the year is not over yet! I have ten days left and I will get to fifty books this year. If I have to, I'm bloody well reading Target novelisations.

Anyway, the year...I hope I can remember anything at all:

Your main fandom of the year?

Well, Doctor Who. Again. It's never not going to be Doctor Who. If I ever say something that's not Doctor Who, please be assured I've been replaced by a clone/alien duplicate. Knowing this info may well alert you to an alien invasion ahead of time. Because, obviously, if aliens are invading, Scotland will surely be their first target.

I'm especially happy because OMG SEASON 5. It is my pie. MY BEAUTIFUL PERFECT PIE WHAT I LOVE. I can watch these episodes and even the ones that probably, in some objective sense, could be argued are not perfect are, in fact, STILL PIE. Well done, pie.

Your favorite film watched this year?

Oh, horrid. I can't remember any films I've watched this year. Um, I remember the ones I saw on planes. Wait, no! This year I saw The Lion in Winter for the first time. That was pretty amazing. I pick that.

Your favorite book read this year?

I shall just consult my BITTER BITTER LIST of Not Quite Fifty Books. Hrrm, this is A Bit Tricky.

Hyperion, by Dan Simmons.

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?

OH I HAVE ONE OF THOSE. Almost every other year I wouldn't but this year I do! I am sort of proud. Tis Progress by Take That. ILU GARY.


Your favorite TV show of the year?

Doctor Who. It's always Doctor Who even when Doctor Who is cack. THIS YEAR IT WAS NOT CACK. Very happy.

Your favorite LJ community of the year?

who_daily - ridiculously useful and I judge all other daily comms by the awesome of this one.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?

Do I have any new fandoms? There is Sherlock. Can I say I discovered Sherlock? That sounds silly. The BBC had nice trailers to make it look shiny. It was more like the Beeb offered me delicious candy and tempted me down a...this metaphor is going nowhere good, I shall stop.

I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed Sherlock, despite episode two being bloody awful and Moriarty being overwhelmingly unimpressive.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?

Merlin. OH MERLIN. I can't give it up but OH MERLIN.

Your TV boyfriend of the year?


Your TV girlfriend of the year?

River Song.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?

Of all the squee in all of this year's Who, I think the biggest moment was that last scene in The Big Bang. It was everything I ever wanted from a final scene in Doctor Who. If the show had forever ended there I would have been LIVID and FULL OF ANGER and bad stuff like that, but I could've lived with it. For it was glorious.

The most missed of your old fandoms?

I don't really miss any. Though it's nice to see some DS9 on ye olde flist.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?

Dragon Age. There are a couple of fics I really want to write but I've been horrendous at writing anything this year.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?

Doctor Who, season six! More Eleventy! And Amy! And River! And Rory! THERE IS A TEAM. I love a good team and I love a team where I love them all.

Also, if Sherlock really is doing Adler and Baskerville and that isn't some random thing I made up in my head because it's Exactly What I Want, I shall be Most Ridiculously looking forward to that, yes.

Ooh, and Dragon Age 2 is out in March, I think. Quite excited.

eleventy, merlin, meme, dragon age, sherlock holmes, doctor who

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