Oh, hello Spooks who seems to have decided to
have Sophia Myles as a regular! Awesome surprise.
Also, much hurrah for the Ruth/Harry stuff. OH I AM V GLAD RUTH CAME BACK. (I am assuming that one of them is going to DIE HORRIBLY this series for this is Spooks and endings that are not HORRID DEATHS are for Other Series and I will be Prepared if I assume the worst and Most Yayful if wrong, yes. It is a good plan.)
And, y'know, there was Richard Armitage, wandering around. Talking. Looking at stuff. Whilst being Richard Armitage.
One thing that's annoying is that they've acknowledged the change of Government in show - and the coalition - but the last three (in show) Home Secretaries have been men, whilst in RL the former and current Home Secs are both women. And it's not like there are VAST NUMBERS of women getting the Great Offices of State, so, y'know, bit hrrrm at that.