Here are some lovely things:
- What is the best idea for Jamie and Amy fanart that you can possibly think of? If you said swapping clothes you are correct. Also it is here and it is marvellous.
- The One Facial Expression of Amy Pond. Obviously it is an ironic title because one of the best things about season five is the ridiculous amoung of awesome facial expressions that Amy has. It is a beautiful project of lolarious faces.
- The Lion in Winter.
- Eleventy Doctors! I am caught between Useless Annoyance that they bring out so many variations of the Doctors, charge ridic prices for some of them and now if you want an Eighth Doctor you have to buy the whole stupid big box of Doctors you already have but don't worry because Three's got another costume change, and OMG YAY ALL THE DOCTORS IN A BOX.