(no subject)

May 18, 2010 17:49

I've been watching some very glossy but really quite appalling telly because Richard Armitage is in it. Sometimes with his shirt off. So really it's Perfectly Understandable even if I do have to suffer through lines like "I better not arrive in Hell and find out you're not there" and "most men seem to take pleasure in [killing] but you, you're like a machine" and, best of all, "is that your weakness, compassion?" His angst is the angst of An Angsty Soldier who has been Betrayed, oh yes. Last time, two former SAS dudes - both with bullet wounds - took on several dozen elite Zimbabwean soldiers. Guess who won? If you guess incorrectly, lose two million points and your right to watch gratuitously violent telly for a year.

Also in the I'm Watching It But Boy Do I Feel Guilty category is SPN, which I'm all caught up with. Eric Johnson was in an episode! That was Most Pleasing. And Mark Sheppard is always like, entertaining and stuff. And then there was the penultimate episode and there was a lolarious scene which went very unappreciated by me cause I was watching five white guys deciding how to Save The World from The Apocalypse (a pretty tedious apocalypse, admittedly, but still) and then got really annoyed at myself for watching this godawful cack cause, heh, most telly these days at least tries to pretend it's not all about a bunch of white guys all the time and doesn't systematically kill off every recurring female character. But then later they killed Bobby and that was GREAT. (Then they unkilled him and that was considerably less great.) One day I will quit you SPN and then you'll be sorry you weren't less shit. Yeah.

Far more cheeringly, the BBC is making new sci-fi! Like sci-fi that isn't Doctor Who or a horrid remake of something they did far, far better in the eighties! It's called Outcasts and mostly I hope it's not a right fuck-up because the cast looks nifty and it's not some crummy pseudo-sf drama with the sf bit tacked on but is IN THE FUTURE on an ALIEN PLANET. All it needs is some bits set IN SPACE and probably there is nothing that could possibly go wrong, surely.

supernatural, telly

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