Yay, dvdness of not very good Who

Mar 15, 2009 21:32

Attack of the Cybermen is still cack. Sort of can't help loving it a bit though. It's the eighties Cybermen: I love them like pie and maybe cheer a wee bit with David Banks and the "Excellent." And there's also the Lytton and Griffiths show which is a bit good and several times more entertaining than listening to Peri and the Doctor snipe.

Colin still looks slightly dashing though, so that's nice. And the DVD extras are as impressive as ever - no-one actually comes out and says "Attack's a bit shit, ain't it?" but they do skirt around it a lot. And Colin says Twin Dilemma's rubbish. Sort of. And I'm now fangirling Sandra Reid a fair bit, cause she designed the original Cybermen and did their redesign for Moonbase and she is a bit great and was all yay at having magical new materials to work with like some manner of vinyl plastic whatsit thing. (Luckily it did not turn out to be bubblewrap so her stuff holds up rather well really.) And she likes the eighties Cybermen best, heh.

Someone should really doublecheck the info text though. This level of minutiae normally wouldn't bother me one way or the other but it's a bit silly for the text to be busy saying how warm filming was that day and that Nicola Bryant was a lot more comfy than Colin in his heavy coat while on the commentary Nicola's saying "Omg, it was so cold that day! LOOK AT MY NIPPLES! We had complaints about that." (I paraphrase, but only slightly.)

Also so many pikshurs and not a single one of them moved in the photo gallery, hurrah for that.
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