Where's my fucking jet pack?

May 11, 2007 18:58

A question asked frequently, and quite a lot, at this year's Redemption, amongst many other places. There was even a panel devoted to the subject.

Today's Scottish news headlines have just informed me that here is your jetpack. Possibly you will not be getting it right now unless you rush to Knockhill and thieve it. Which is A Bad Plan. But, yay, jetpacks! He's racing it against an Aston Martin this weekend; it'll probably win, it's terribly fast. Even if it does only stay in the air for fifteen seconds and takes an hour to refuel. IT LOOKS VERY VERY IMPRESSIVE.

Telly also says they be working on one which can stay in the air for fifteen whole minutes. They do not tell me when they will be available to buy in Woolworths. But Zomg! Skientific progress! With jetpacks!
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