Googlism for: calanthe

Sep 25, 2003 11:39

calanthe is a genus of about 120 species widely distributed through tropical regions with only one species calanthe triplicata extending to australia
calanthe is a widespread genus of over 150 species with one named species being widespread in australia
calanthe is not
calanthe is familiar genus among people who grow tropical orchids in theyre greenhouses and windowshills
calanthe is a popular genus of some 150 terrestrial species spreaded throughout tropical and subtropical africa
calanthe is a genus of about 150 species and is distributed throughout tropical asia
calanthe is grateful to lolotea for his friendship
calanthe is too long
calanthe is also a name in the category of
calanthe is widespread in tropical and temperate asia with a few species extending to australia
calanthe is derived from the greek
calanthe is legendary for his poor dice rolls
calanthe is dead and i will hear no more elf jokes about how green is their
calanthe is gregarious
calanthe is your destiny
calanthe is
calanthe is a genus of terrestial orchids
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