(no subject)

May 05, 2006 11:16

My oldest has been ill for the last four days. Not the "lay in bed and feel like hell" kind of ill, but the "I have a light fever and can not go to school but feel good nonetheless" kind of ill.
It`s grating on my nerves. I try to keep him down at least a bit, to help his recovery, but all attempts are fruitless.
The house looks like a bomb has gone off, because every time I clean one part, a catastrophe happens in another part.
Thank god it is friday!
Over the weekend we will have to work in the garden, or the mud pit from hell, as it is more commonly known.
At the moment there is next to no grass, a lot of mud, brush that has to go and many other delightful things. But we have very good weather, I think the wading pool will come out.

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