Pet Peeves 3

May 03, 2012 09:10

I have no idea what number this one is and am miffed at myself I didn't answer it early.

Pet Peeve #?: Answering reviews in the story. While livejournal's handy dandy comment system cuts down on this, there are a lot of other sites where responding to reviews is far trickier. Either respond the hard way or do a generic "Thanks Everybody".  Spending half your chapter writing out:

"To Blecky: Thanks for the review. I know. I can't believe I did that either. And did you catch the unicorn? It was an awesome Idea if I do say so myself. "

And I will stop myself there less I become guilty through example. Seriously, there is nothing quite as frustrating as sitting down to what you should be a good long read and finding yourself skipping half the chapters because they are the ramblings of the author to people you don't know regarding reviews you have no intentions of reading. Stop it!

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